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Resting In His Spirit

Taken from
"Then Came The Light Journal"

Song Playing
I Will Exalt Thee

"Come sit at My side and rest next to Me

Let Me hear of the things that have you so troubled

Do you understand them?"

No Lord, I dont understand...

My heart breaks when I see so many hurting and lost people. They are drowning in the ways of the world and so many families are broken. They do not see that through You all things become new and that You can give them the peace they are seeking. They seek the answers in all the wrong places and in the wrong ways

"Daughter, do you not remember the time that you did not know Me? It was not that long ago, was it?

You heard the evil one's voice, and you followed it, you searched for a place to belong and someone to love you, someone you could trust...

Do you not remember?

At night you called My name and I was there all the time, yet you thought I could not be found or that I did not hear you

I was there all the time...

You called out one day in despair and I answered and pulled you from the storm that almost took your life...

Yes, child you remember that day...

I answer all who call My name and I come to all who seek Me, and desire to know Me

I hear their cry for help. Do not think of the stranger's voice that some hear, tell them of Me and let them hear My word for I speak to all who will hear...

Show them My love in action and the words that I have left for all to read

Now rest here a while and watch as I bring light into the darkness"

As He spoke I saw the places that were hidden by darkness. It was like looking into a bottomless pit. The people tried to fill their emptiness with drugs, sex, drinking and all the other pitfalls this world has to offer

I could feel the emptiness they were feeling I saw the tears, as the young children cried for their Mom or Dad. The pain was unbearable but then...

His Light and Love entered and I saw the places I had been looking into...

It was the hearts of...


I fell to my knees and cried out to my Lord...

I will not forget that which You have shown me this day...

What You give me to write...

Will be written...

Where You send me...

I will go...


† Be Full Of Courage †