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"Talk With Me"

Song Playing:
~You'll Never Walk Alone~

Lord, what would happen if
Your children truly believed
Your Word and stepped out and
did what Your Word
tells us to do?

I heard...

"First tell Me this, why wouldn't
My children step out and put
My Word into action?"

Lord, If we prayed for someone to be healed and they weren't healed, we would look as if we failed.

"Child, you speak the truth, and you are not alone. Many of My people are afraid, but I have not given you the spirit of fear
I have given you love, peace and a sound mind.

You have a pure heart...

Do you not know that when you speak My Word and reach out in faith the rest is between Me and the person you prayed for?

You are not the one that heals, I AM

Pray for the ones that I send your way. Speak what I give you and the signs and wonders shall follow.

The next time you see a broken body, listen and do as I tell you and they will be healed. Step out, and believe, that is all I ask of any of My children."

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