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"With Correction Comes Love"

"Many ask Me..."

Is that you Lord?

"They know it is I, yet they play games...

I grow tired of their games! Many are called yet they do not walk in their calling!

Quickly I will come and shake all that is not built upon My Word

Look about you and know that it will be soon...

Once again I will move across this land and you will see who will stand and who will fall

Mankind looks to another to bring answers for peace Listen child, and take heed...

Soon I will call forth those that will listen to My Voice. They will rise and go forth with My Word

They will not use words of their own that pleases and tickles the ears of the ones that hear

These warnings will bring you into truth

Correction comes to those that I love and have received as My Children, know that if I did not love them I would not correct them

It is for their spiritual growth that I send correction"

† Close To You, Lord †