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Song Playing:
~Jesus Loves Me~

"Child, I heard you ask...

What about me Lord, don't I count?

I saw the tears that fell silently
and I too felt the sadness in
your heart. Listen child, tell all
who will hear My words.

They are the reason the I sowed wild
flowers in the fields, and made the birds
sing their early mornings melodies...

For all of you, I have sent serene
colors in the setting of the sun

My children are the reason the sun
comes up each day and kisses away the
darkness of the night...

And when the rain falls it brings the
fresh sweet aroma of spring.

The trees are dressed in their special
shades of green for each of My children

Dry your tears and be at peace

My peace that I give, is where you will
find rest, not as the world gives
and above all...

Know that you are loved so much that
I have you carved in the palm of my hand

You are the reason I wept and the reason,
I will return soon, to take My children
home where they will see all that I have
prepared for those that love Me.

Call upon Me, I am here...

Do not search for Me in numbers or
for the answers to life among the stars

I made the very stars that so many search
to bring them happiness and peace

I tell you this My child...

Keep your eyes upon the Maker of those
stars, and set your heart on things above

Forgive those that speak falsely against you.

I AM here with you and you are never alone...

I bring you peace, hope and My unconditional

Only through Me can you find the peace you seek

I am but a whisper away at any gien time
day or night I am here...

You are Mine and I love you

I hear each of your prayers and send angels
to watch over you and they prepare your way

Do not think that because you don't feel My
presence that I am not with you...

My word is not based upon your feelings,
My word is truth and lives forever...

I said, I would never leave nor forsake you

My Word is truth

I say this to all My children...

You are Mine and nothing can remove
you from Me.

You are so Very Special to Me...

Now, rest in My peace and remember this,
You are always loved.

Taken from:
"Then Came The Light"
Prayer Journal
of Shirley Busby

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