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Our precious Heavenly Father knows every heartache and wound we carry. Even those we have chosen to forget, push away, numb, and pretend are no longer there. Regardless of where you have been or what you have done... you are no surprise to Him, He loves you and receives you just as you are. Be blessed all you daughters of the Living God. Be healed and whole by His Grace and Glory, in Jesus' name!

With Broken Wings

She sits alone in her pain
Overwhelmed by so many things.
Although she's tried
She just can't fly
For she sits with broken wings.
There'll come a day when she'll be free and she'll soar as eagles do.
But until that day, she wait's on
Him to come and make her new.

"I need you Lord!" she cries out
Through tears that sting her face
"You promised that you'd never leave
And would carry me by your grace."
It was at that point He answered her
And gently wiped her tears
"My precious daughter, I am here
Let me ease your fears."
"It's true you may have broken wings
And are too frail to fly,
But in My time when you are strong, You will surely reach the sky."
"Day by day I'll make you whole
And make you new once more,
Keep your eyes on Me my precious one And someday you will SOAR!"

Written By Tina Peterson 2000

By My Spirit
Performed by Leslie Phillips

Not by might, Not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord
Not by might, not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord
Sometimes fears can hide your vision
The loss of purpose chains you down
You think I've forgotten all you're dreaming of
But how could I forget the one I love?

And it's ...
Not by might, Not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord
Not by might, not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord
I can see your heart is tired
And your courage has worn thin
You wonder how long you will have to hang on
But when My love comes in, you'll be stong again

And it's ...
Not by might, Not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord
Not by might, not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord

These mountains will be removed
And I'll build My temple in you
And what I've promised shall be done

And it's ...
Not by might, Not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord
Not by might, not by power
But by My Spirit says the Lord

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