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Alaskan Wildflowers
Seen along The Falls Creek Trail near Anchorage
in mid-July 2002


mountain harebell


Left: Mountain Harebell
Campanula lasiocarpa
Click here or at left for a larger view.



Right: Monkshood
Aconitum delphinifolium
(Beautiful but poisonous)
Click here for a closeup.

Click here or at right for
a scenic enlargement.


 Wildflowers of Alaska

Below: Prickly Saxifrage Saxifraga tricuspidata. This one was growing far above the treeline, in solid rock, near the mountain harebell.
Click for a large view

 I believe this is Alpine Alum Root, Alpine Heuchera (Heuchera glabra .) There was a large patch growing near the upper edge of the treeline, about 1500'. The toothed leaves show in the large view. Click for a large view.

 Below (top to bottom):

Pushki, Heracleum lanatum
Western Columbine, Aquilegia formosa
Wild Geraniums, Geranium erianthum


tiny white bells

mixed flowers


tundra flowers


More Alaskan Wildflowers
Alaskan Wildflowers from the Table Rock Forest Trail
Alaskan Wildflowers from the tundra meadow, Worthington Glacier Ridge Trail
Alaskan Wildflowers from the Eklutna Lakeside Trail
Alaskan Wildflowers along city trails in Anchorage
Alaskan Wildflowers seen on Flattop Mountain in Anchorage
Alaskan Wildflowers seen on the Mt. Magnificent Ridge

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