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UFO Video Release; "U.F.O. Down-Under"

Christopher Montgomery Reporting

                           Personal UFO Web Page..
                "U.F.O. Down-Under" Produced by Barry Taylor.
             UFO Video NOW available. Featuring the best footage
  ever taken of the UFO 'Cluster' and 'Jellyfish' UFO.
         Order your copy NOW. For details:contact
                          ( State NTSC or PAL format )

Video Release: " U.F.O. Down-Under " Produced by Barry Taylor (UFO Researcher Australia) At last, my video footage of the June 1999 daytime sighting is available for your viewing. It has taken some time to get all the necessary equipment together to edit this, and other UFO footage into the professional presentation that it deserves. PAL copies are now available, NTSC conversion will take another week or so. This UFO video contains just under 50 minutes of some unusual, and most amazing UFO footage ever seen. Featured in the video. "Jellyfish" UFO. This was a 8 minute daytime sighting of a most unusual object (UFO) that had a appendage dangling from underneath. The object appeared to be 'swimming' because of its unusual movement and using this 'tail' to propel itself. As the object gets further away, you can clearly see it pulsing. Zoomed close-ups of the object show the 'tail' action. "Cluster" UFO's. This is the best Video footage ever taken of the "Cluster" UFO's. Five different "clusters" are featured, including zooms showing their unusual rolling action around one another. This 50 minute daytime sighting also includes orange and spectrum blue UFO objects. When these objects flew in front of cloud, you can see the upright cylinder shape of the object. These are also zoomed so that you can get a better look at their shape. Some 3D animation is used to show the UFO Discs in Boomerang and "V" Formations that I witnessed, but unable to catch on video. This will give you an idea of what they look like. Some still images of the April 1998 UFO "Flap" are also included. A section on the "Hoax UFO's" is included, showing some of the most interesting ones. Low flying UFO's slowly flying over Grafton at night are included. Good footage of the 'Iridium Flare' shows how bright they are. A "Triangle Formation" of 3 UFO's just west of town. At the end of the main video, during the "Titles," I have included short clips of night time UFO Discs flying in Groups and "V" formations. Watch this section closly, and you will see them. Overall, the video is a beauty. You will be well informed and entertained by this video. To order your copy NOW send cheque or Money order of AU$40 (inc.p&p) to: Video Offer. P.O. Box 679 Grafton N.S.W. 2460 Australia. Thanking you for your support. Regards, Barry Taylor. ______________________________________________________

Thank you for that information, we have posted this exciting news onto our web site. Please keep us informed about further developements on this unusual phenomenon. Thank You Director UFORCE UFO Resource Center CM/cm



 Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 10:16:49 +1000
 From: "Barry Taylor" (
 Subject: OZ UFO Video Release.


_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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