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The Physics of Reality by Evan Harris Walker

"The Physics of Consciousness The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life"

Reported by Christopher Montgomery

 From: "Dr. Evan Harris Walker"
 Subject: the Physics of Reality by Evan Harris Walker
 Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 13:50:04 -0400
 The Physics of Consciousness
 The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life
 Evan Harris Walker

 “The next big and creative encounter between science and religion is shaping
 up precisely along the fault lines Evan Harris Walker explores in this very
 suggestive, well-crafted and highly readable book. But he is way ahead of
 the pack, and he is defining the very terms of that encounter.  As a
 theologian and life-long student of religion I welcome his balanced tone and
 well-informed analysis. This is a book that simply cannot be ignored as the
 question of the ‘meaning of life’ becomes—as it surely will—more and more
 central.”—Harvey Cox, Harvard Divinity School

 For a thousand years, philosophers and theologians have pondered the nature
 of ultimate reality. For decades, neurologists, psychologists, and
 physicists have struggled, in vain, to explain the phenomenon of
 consciousness—how a piece of matter, the brain, can create the sentience
 that becomes the seat of our whole being…
 When the woman he loved died of leukemia nearly half a century ago, author
 Evan Harris Walker began his personal search to determine “what we really
 are and what, if anything, remains when the tissues of the brain and body
 have ceased their functions?”  A scientist by profession, he looked to
 physics for the answers to these most profound questions. Now there is a
 clear path to the answer, leading through the dense jungle of quantum
 physics, Zen, and subjective experience. This book chronicles both his quest
 and his conclusions.

 Evan Harris Walker, founder and director of the Walker Cancer Institute, has
 made major scientific contributions in astronomy, astrophysics, physics,
 neurophysiology, psychology, and medicine.  Since he received his Ph.D. in
 physics from the University of Maryland in 1964, he has published more than
 a hundred papers in scientific journals and popular magazines, and holds a
 dozen patents.  He lives in Aberdeen, Maryland.
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To order this book For further information or to schedule an interview with the author, please contact; please select from our references below (Reference #1)


Reference #1:
"The Physics of Consciousness The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life;" Evan Harris Walker Available at PERSEUS BOOKS; Lissa Warren, Associate Director of Publicity (617) 252-5212, Author photo available upon request. Pub-Date: 2/21/00 $27.50 Hardcover ISBN: 0-7382-0234-7


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