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The image on the left has characteristics, which resemble a serpent-like, horned being. Carefull analysis reveals that these beings may not be associated in any way with UFO activity, but rather may, in fact be a land-based entity. Please note also, the horn-like protruberances along side its head on the right. Are we looking at the Devil himself, a fallen angel cast to earth, his fall being described in Revelations of the HOLY BIBLE? (See "Revelations," chapter 12, verses 7-12). If this is correct, and my hypothesis that UFO occupants are in-fact angels as described through my careful analysis revealed in UFOs AND THE BIBLE, then this evidence would add significant weight to my theory.

This entity is very similar to what others have been reporting recently, (Rendlesham) which is also described as a "reptoid alien," to include images of entities that were photographed and displayed by Gary Lowry at the recent UFO Expo in San Francisco, earlier this summer.

Please examine the image (above) and compare it to the description made by one eyewitness (below). This photograph was received from someone who has asked to remain anonymous. (See notes)


On Saturday, April 15, 2000, sometime between 1 and 2 a.m., Alan S. was asleep at his home in Ballwin, Missouri (population 22,000). All at once, he "woke up and looked to my right. It was standing near my bed. It disappeared after about two minutes." Alan reported, "It was a very strange creature. It was lime green, glowing, and it looked like it had a light lime green aura around the body. It had two arms and two legs. His eyes were bright glowing red. His skin looked scaly, like a reptile. It looked like it was maybe four feet (1.3 meters) tall." Alan remained motionless in bed until the entity vanished. At first, he added, "I kept it to myself. I told my cousin but she laughed it off." Ballwin is on Missouri Highway 100 about 30 miles (48 kilometers) west of St. Louis. Alan's experience could be written off as a "waking dream," except for the fact that there was a UFO sighting elsewhere in Missouri that night. UFO Roundup received the report from another source not known to the Ballwin witness. At 9:06 p.m. on Friday, April 14, 2000, about four hours before the Ballwin encounter, Jesse Carlson was outdoors in Holden, Missouri, just east of Independence, when he spotted an unusual light in the sky. The UFO, Jesse reported, approached from the north and was headed southwest. He described it as "a bright light in a square shape with real end curves. It was sort of white with yellow on the outside of it." He added that it moved in "a kind of falling" motion, adding, "I had no idea of the height, but it was going along about twenty miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour)." Holden (population 2,400) is located about 180 miles (208 kilometers) west-northwest of Ballwin. (Email Form Reports)Reference #1.

HOLDEN -- At 9:06 PM on Friday, April 14, 2000, about four hours earlier than the Ballwin encounter, Jesse Carlson was outdoors just east of Independence, when he spotted an unusual light in the sky. The UFO approached from the north and headed southwest. He described it as "a bright light in a square shape with real end curves. It was sort of white with yellow on the outside of it." He added that it moved in "a kind of falling" motion, adding, "I had no idea of the height, but it was going along about twenty miles per hour. Holden is located about 180 miles west-northwest of Ballwin. (Reference #2)

NOTES: We are currently seeking reports on entities resembling the "reptoid" alien entities, described herein. Please send any and/or all information to Thank you for your time. -[UFORCE] Investigator Montgomery


Reference #1:UFO ROUNDUP; Volume 5, Number 16; April 20, 2000 Editor: Joseph Trainor; SOURCE:

Reference #2: SOURCE~Filer's Files #16--2000 Archived documents can be found at UFO Info web site:


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