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Archived Research, CRD Data


One kind of Unidentified Flying Object that may be a natural phenomenon are the plasma lights or ionized clouds. They are being filmed in close proximity to thunderstorms and tornado's fairly regularly. About 10 percent of the reports, I receive regard strange large moving lights in the sky or fast moving internally lit bright clouds. At night only the light and not the cloud may be observed. Most valid UFO reports occur in clear or non-stormy weather conditions. However, there are a group of reports that may involve naturally occurring plasmas. Generally, the plasmas are fairly short lived, but some types seem to last for a surprisingly long time. The exact energy source of the naturally occurring plasmas is still unknown but are probably similar to standard lightning. Some plasmas are reported over high power lines and near strong electrical activity such as highways. They seem to be related to ball lightning, and under the right conditions with a mix of dust or ice particles they can create a very impressive display. They may operate similar to a giant glowing fluorescent light. There has also been speculation that the propulsion systems of the UFOs cause ionization around the craft giving it a plasma or cloud like appearance. Probably all my readers have seen thunderclouds light up with lightning, but under certain conditions the clouds remain lit for a relatively long time. Once the electrons are lighted some clouds seem to maintain a kind of natural glow like a light bulb for many minutes. These clouds seem to be acted upon by electron radiant energy such as ultraviolet, X-rays, or infrared rays. An exotic form of electron energy similar to ball lightning may be working inside the clouds. It is apparent from space the thunderstorms have tremendous power. Areas lit by thunderstorms are often larger and brighter than the lights of a big city. The lightning seems to explode in all directions. Some goes towards the ground but most does not. Ball lighting or plasmas as large as a bus or even mile wide thunderclouds have been observed. The light is often described as brilliant, yellow green, transparent ball with a fuzzy outline. Fluorine gas produces a similar greenish yellow color often reported. The plasmas often appear near towering cumulus thunderclouds inferring they be part of the creation process. I have been observing films provided me by Jeff Challender taken from the space shuttle showing UFOs or plasma type clouds. These objects are generally oval and can move at thousands of miles per hour for hundreds of miles. Despite their high speeds they will suddenly stop over a line of thunderstorms. Some of the plasmas/UFOs appear as if they might be developed within the thunderstorms or at least have a tremendous affinity with them. While in the Air Force, I flew through the thunderstorms of a hurricane off the coast of Puerto Rico when ball lighting came through the cockpit window floated on through the cockpit door and down the aisle. It was a blue and red ball of fuzzy electric flame about the size of large beach ball and that floated through the aircraft and out the rear. It did not seem hot and it did not hurt anyone. Perhaps when conditions are just right, these plasma balls develop and are shot out of the thunderstorm like a cannon. These lighted objects will move along quickly and can accomplish amazing maneuvers. They may have a natural affinity to recharge themselves near the thunderstorms. They seem to recharge, and gather strength from the lightning and then move on. The NASA Space Science News for January 4, 2000, reports a surprising pattern emerges from satellite observations of lightning. Storms over the Great Plains States have significantly more lightning that never reaches the ground, an indicator of violent activity that can spawn hail and tornadoes. Where there's lightning, many people worry that tornadoes may follow. Lightning is associated with energetic storms since it takes large upward movements of air -- plus water in various forms including raindrops and ice crystals -- to produce a large electric potential. Cloud to cloud lightning may occur on a ratio as high as 10 to 1 to every cloud--to--ground lightning strike. NASA's Dennis Boccippio, states, " When the potential becomes great enough, electricity punches its way through air that normally insulates and builds a narrow bridge of electrified gas or plasma. The current burrows its way in search of an oppositely charged region where the imbalance can be relieved. When the two are joined, current flows freely and ionizes even more air on its path, thus creating the glowing hydra that we see as a lightning bolt. The heated air expands and, when the discharge is suddenly stopped, it slams back together to produce the thunderclap." The latest find is that storms with far more cloud--to--cloud lightning than cloud--to--ground are more energetic and are more likely to produce violent storms. "The really interesting area is the Great Plains region where the ratio goes as high as 10 to 1," said Dr. Dennis Boccippi. He has combined four years of satellite and ground-based data to estimate the ratio of intercloud and cloud--to--ground lightning. The space segment of Boccippio's data came from two similar instruments developed by the GHCC and NASA/Marshall. The correlation between these ionized clouds or plasmas and UFOs needs to be examined. Observers may be seeing a natural phenomenon or the UFOs could be recharging their propulsion systems with the tremendous energy available in the storms. Although, similar to thunderstorms these clouds appear more stable in shape and have a more oval or rounded disc appearance. An observer not expecting to see a well-rounded cloud with colored lighting could easily identify it has a UFO. The tremendous amount of energy developed by a thunderstorm can be observed after viewing the wrath of a tornado or lightning, but there may other equally powerful thunderbolts moving away at high speed not as easily noticed. Reports indicate people are observing ionization or electrically charged gas under the influence of radiation. The question of course is this a natural phenomenon or a secret of the UFO propulsion systems? The former is more likely.


See Page 39 for Filer's File's #16--2000 Archived for bibliographical references


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