Unbound people have been loosed from the bondage of sin.
Unbound people are new creations in Christ Jesus.
Here are testimonies and writings
from prisoners who have found spiritual freedom
in the Lord Jesus Christ.
JN's story: "I had to be completely broken - shattered." | |
AR's story: "For me the Maryland Department of Correction became the Maryland Institution of Spiritual Learning!" | |
Curtis Williams' story: "When I was 18 months old my father started getting me high with pot smoke in my face and alcohol in my bottle." | |
FREEDOM "This is my desire, O Lord, to praise you until the end." | |
November 1999: "God's Giving And Our Thanks" "How I found Jesus" "You Might Say" "This Is My Bible" "The Lord Is My Pilot" "My Heart Is There!" "Trials and Tria-bulation Maze" | |
December 1999: "It's a Wonderful Life" Ingrate Hypocrite ~ Me? "The 23rd Psalm" | |
January 2000:"Crowded Out" "Our Father's Garden" "Christmas Blessing" "Mary Had A Little Lamb" "Love Handout" "2000 Charity (Love) Bible Word Search" | |
February 2000: "...Go Fish!" "Falling In Love With Him Over and Over Again" "The Gospels' LOVE Word Search" | |
February 2000: "Special Edition" "Happy Anniversary" | |
March 2000: "...Lent Spent" "Contentment" "The FAST Bible Word Search" | |
April 2000: "CrisCROSSed" "The Tale Of Three Trees" "John 3:12 'I.O.U.' Crossword ~ Jumble Puzzle" | |
May 2000: "Rebellious Colt" "The Master Potter Creator's Feet" "Ain't It The Truth" "The CREATION Bible Word Search" | |
June 2000: "Who's Your Daddy?" "Whoever Will May Come" "The New School Prayer" "The 'We Get' Scripture Match-up" | |
July 2000: "Red, White and Blue Won't Do" "Jesus Is" "The Gospel of John 'On The Spot' Puzzle" | |
August 2000: "Faith in Ravens?" "We Are Going To A Better Place" "When I Get To The Throne Of Grace" "D-68" "Faith" "The Spirit Is" "Faith Wordsearch Puzzle" | |
September 2000: "God's Conductor" "God Is" "The Cross" "The Joel 2:1 WARNING Wordsearch Puzzle" | |
October 2000:"Canned Miracles?" "The 21st Century Church" "God Has Blessed Us" "If God Had . . ." "A Crown Of Glory" "My Parents Taught Me" "Disorder In The Court" "I.O.U. Crossword-Jumble" | |
November 2000: "Just Leaves" "Testimony Page" "Sin" "Created to Serve" "The Bible in Fifty Words" "Proverbs Jumble Puzzle" | |
December 2000: "Merry Christmas" "Treasures" "I Knew You Would Come" "Say 'Yes' At Christmas" "Humor and Giggles" "Poem Page" "Bible Book Search" | |
January 2001: "Happy New Year?" "Paid In Full" "Open Gate" "A Volunteer's Testimony" "Inside Inspirational Message" "A Brief Moment At His Feet" "It's In The Valleys I Grow" "Significant Lies" "The Bird Cage" "The Luke 12:2,3 Wordsearch" | |
February 2001:"The Judge" "Pushing Against The Rock" "My Beloved Enemy" "Salvation Is Of The Lord" "Life's Pathway" "Vision And Darkness" "The L.O.R.D. Heart Maze Puzzle" | |
March 2001:"At All Cost" "John 3:16" "The Road of Life" "Humor and Poem Page" "DAVID Wordsearch Puzzle" | |
April 2001: "Suffering" "Comparison of Phillipians, Chapter 3, to the Christian Race" "Church Trouble Makers" "The Mountain" "Praying Through" "This Cup Before Me" "God's Lamb" "Easter Rap" "Passion Week Quiz" "Resurrection Sunday Maze" | |
May 2001: "It's Not Too Late!" "Twinkies With God" "Question To The Readers" "What Is A Mother?" "The Prison Within" "A Poem To My Brother In Christ" "Don't Quit" "Illusions Of Life" "Mother's Day Humor Page" "Bible Book Title Puzzle" | |
June 2001: "The Perfect Father" "Eternally Safe" "Five Basic Needs" "I Believe" "Hard Time" "What God Wants" "The Loom of Time" "This Is" "Father's Day Humor Page" "Matthew 10:28 'Hell' Word Search Puzzle" | |
July 2001: "Christ Crisis" "Youth Status 2000: Code Red" "Legend of the Dogwood" "It's a Spirit Thing" "Humor and Giggles Page" "The Scripture Scramble Jumble Puzzle" | |
August 2001: "Seven Warnings" "Who I Am In Christ" "How The Lord Saved Me" "Two-Bit Righteousness" "Nobody Writes Letters Anymore" "The Tears" "Life's Pathway" "Humor and Giggle Page" "Women of the Bible Wordsearch Puzzle" | |
September 2001: "Act Your Wage" "Somebody Should Have Taught Him!" "God Knows" "Build Up Or Tear Down" "Help Me Lord!" "A Child of The King" "Humor And Giggles Page" "The Biblical Jobs Wordsearch" | |
October 2001: "Vengeance Isn't Mine" "That's God" "Instead Of..." "...At All" "Grins and Giggles" "Trees of the Bible" | |
November 2001: "Thanksgiving" "Graduation Day 2001" "Thanksgiving Humor" "Thanksgiving Word Search" | |
December 2001: "How Am I Wrapped?" "ROAD To New Life Ministries" "Memo From God" "My Christmas Rhyme" "That Night" "What Christma Means To Me" "Chrismas Giggles and Grins" "The First Chirstmas Prophcy Puzzle" | |
January 2002: "Fear Not" "Human Trees" "The Treasured Pearls" "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Church!" "Giggles and Grins Page" "Central Scripture Puzzle" | |
February 2002: "Walk in Love" "LOVE Handout" "The Door No One Can Close" "Home Above" "Kindness" "Conviction" "Our Children" "Humor & Giggles Page" "The LORD Heart Maze Puzzle" | |
March 2002: "Father Forgive Them" "Inspirational Testimony Letter" "Easter 善ut-On'" "A Butterfly on my Shoulder" "Eyewitness" "The Cross of Jesus" "The Lamb" "Easter 2002" "Do It Again" "To Die Like Jesus" "Death From a Kid's View" "The Mark 16:6 JESUS Wordsearch" | |
April 2002: "Murmur Man" "Passing On A Good Reminder" "When You Thought I Wasn't Looking" "Belly-Achers" "Day Eight" "No Soap" "Idiot Drivers" "Romans 10:13 HIDDEN WORD Cryptogram" | |
May 2002 to May 2003 Coming Soon | |
NEW! June 2003: "Safe At Home" "Going Home" "Just Give Me Jesus!" "The Uninvited Guest" "I Wonder" "Collect Calls" "Best Alibi" "Controlled Lives" "Stronger Mom?" "Biblical Fathers Match-up" (puzzle) | |
July 2003 Coming Soon | |
NEW! August 2003: "Fear Less" "Who Am I?" "How The Lord Saved Me" "The Dogwood Tree" "It's a Spirit Thing" | |
September 2003 to February 2005 Coming Soon | |
NEW! March 2005: "A Pilgrim in Progress" "What Are They Among So Many?" "A Whisper or a Brick?" "Stone Cold Peas" "My March" "Wisdom in Marriage" "Humor & Giggles Page" "Wordsearch Puzzle" |
"Be a Pal ~ a penpal, that is!" Share your Christian faith with an inmate. You will be greatly blessed. | |
"The Family Connection" Prayer Requests, Encouragement, Comments | |
"A Deep Well" Resources, Activities, Information | |
"Photo Album" | "About Us" |
~ BARBI BULLETINS ~ DIRECTORY "To Those In Prison" "Smelling Good" "What Are You In For?" "Weary" "When God Says No" |
My Genealogical Sites:
Aitkin Co. MN GenWeb
Wabasha Co. MN GenWeb
Mahnomen Co. MN GenWeb
History of Winona County, MN
The Koska~Timm Family Rosebush
Biographies and Historical Sketches of Wabasha Co., MN
The Great Rebellion ~ Wabasha County, MN Men in the Civil War