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Welcome to The Journal Of THe Whills (The New Jedi Network)! We are a site dedicated to the philosophy and code presented as the Jedi way in the Star Wars movies. We do not have light sabers, we do not levitate our droids, what we seek to share and learn in this online community is an adaption of older wisdom for a newer age. We seek to identify what it means to live in the Jedi way and how to do so. We are the people you work with, the people next door who seek to be better people through following the examples of fictional heroes and real world heroes of past and present.
We hope that you will join us in our search for knowledge and our duty to defend the weak.

What we are not :

  • A role playing game organization
  • A sci-fi site
  • Intent on building working light sabers or shooting lightning from our fingers.

    Inspiration and spiritual guidance are rare things in our world in these times, I should hope that no source is left out because of its media. Whether it be the bible, Koran or the Star Wars trilogy, the result can be the same. Wisdom is wisdom regardless of the packaging.

    I and other countless millions grew up with the dream of becoming a Jedi Knight. As children it meant we would act out the battles and do what children do, but as we grew it manifested itself as a desire to live as a Jedi would, to be strong and just, to protect and defend. Now well into adulthood the dream of being a Jedi has evolved for my generation, no longer playing pretend, but shaping the people we are and the judgments that rule thousands of businesses and may one day guide the country.

    Thanks For Visiting,
    From The Staff Of The Jedi Network

  • Journal Of The Whills is Copyright to Lucasfilm Ltd. No copyright infrigement is intended by this site. Web design by Racul's Web Creations.

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