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Book Of The Force

The Force
  • An energy field generated by all living things.
  • It surrounds and penetrates everything, binding the galaxy together.
  • Like any energy field, the FORCE can be manipulated. Knowledge of these manipulation techniques gives the jedi their power.
  • There are two sides to the FORCE: the peace and knowledge and serenity of the LIGHTSIDE, and the fear,anger and aggression of the DARKSIDE.
  • Both sides of the FORCE are apart of a natural order.
  • To use the Force, one must be at harmony with it.
  • Only when calm, at peace, can one act with assurance of control.
  • When one is at harmony with the universe, one acts as one must to maintain harmony.
  • The will and the Force are one; the actor and the acted upon, the same.
  • There is no contradiction: there is unity. That is the path of Light.
  • The universe is an angry morass of power. To release that power, one must harness one's basest emotions: hate, anger, fear, agression. By releasing one's own anger, one releases the anger of eternity. Only when filled with hate, can one perform the most hateful of acts.
  • The will and the Force are one. That is the choice of the Jedi: serenity or hatred; peace or anger; freedom or tyranny; learning or power; the Light or the Darkness.
  • The Force is not itself good or evil; it is a reflection of nature, and nature itself can be cold and cruel.
  • Evil ones can harness the force to their will - and, by doing so, lose something of thier humanity, becoming virtual avatars of the Dark Side of the Force.
  • For the Master of the Dark Side, as for a Master of the Light, it cannot be said whether one controls the Force, or the Force the Master; to ask which is the actor and which the acted upon is a question of no meaning.
  • Through the Force a jedi can see far-off places, perform amazing feats and accomplish what would otherwise be impossiable.
  • Through the FORCE you will see: places, thoughts, past, future and old relations long gone.

    The Force and the Jedi
    From lifelessness came life; from dead matter came spirit. With life came perception: the perception of beauty and ugliness, serenity and fear. The Force grew strong as life grew stronger. Life is the universe's way of perceiving itself; the Force is the strength of its perception. As life grew, evolved, became more sophisticated, there came intelligence - and with it, the capacity of understanding. Intelligence beings questioned the universe, and when they were clever enough to ask the questions in the right way, the universe answered. The Force became stronger, more sophisticated, as intelligence spread and sapient's knowledge of the universe deepened. Yet the nature of the Force is hidden and subtle. Questions about the nature of matter and energy are more easily answered. Intelligent beings developed a high technology by understanding of physical law - yet understanding of the universe's mystical nature lagged behind. Intelligent beings built advanced cultures which were cold, cruel, ignorant of the beat of reality's heart. So stood the galaxy until the rise of the Jedi. They studdied the Force; they took the first few steps on the road to universal harmony. As their mastery deepened, as their fame spread, and as their works began to bring harmony and freedom to the galaxy, they were betrayed. For the Force is not itself good or evil; it is a reflection of nature, and nature itself can be cold and cruel. Evil ones can harness the Force to their will - and, by doing so, lose something of their humanity, becoming virtual avatars of the Dark Side of the Force. For the Master of the Dark Side, as for a Master of the Light, it cannot be said whether he controls the Force, or the Force him; to ask which is the actor and which the acted upon is a question of no meaning.

  • Microscopic life forms that reside within all living cells.
  • Communicate with the Force and reveal its will.
  • A high midi-chlorian count indicates great potential as a jedi.
  • When one's mind is quiet, one can hear them speaking.

  • Fear is the path to the DARKSIDE.
  • Fear leads to anger,
  • Anger leads to hate,
  • Hate leads to suffering.

  • Journal Of The Whills is Copyright to Lucasfilm Ltd. No copyright infrigement is intended by this site. Web design by Racul's Web Creations.

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