Chosen Paths
  Five Days After The Battle Of Naboo Queen Amidala quietly sat against a wall in the back of the victory celebration. She could see Gungans and Naboo, off-worlders and natives alike, reveling in the restoration of peace and their way of life. Even her solemn-minded, loyal bodyguard, Panaka, was letting his hair down, so to speak. The formal robes and elaborations of court were forgotten tonight. Most of the Council wore civilian clothes. Amidala herself wore a loose- fitting green tunic and black slacks. Her hair was pulled into a single, long braid and wound around her head. The royal makeup was abandoned, except for the scar of remembrance. There was much to remember today. She was grateful for the reprieve from the oppressive court robes that were as much a part of her job as her posture. Amidala leaned her head back against the wall and looked up at the stars visible through the open ceiling of the decorative courtyard. She didn't feel much like celebrating. It had been one of the most trying months of her life, both physically and emotionally. She hadn't eaten in days, too busy with keeping her people alive to think of trivial matters such as her own well-being. It had also been one of the greatest challenges of her political career thus far. *"There you go again, talking like the veteran politician you are at the age of fourteen."* Amidala smiled sadly, hearing her mother's frequent laments. She had supported her political ambitions when Amidala had decided to run for her office. She had understood how much this world needed unification and peace, a departure from the corruption of past monarchs. Her mother had rejoiced when she had been elected. Then, two months after her election, the Trade Federation had sent its first ambassadors, demanding a trade franchise that would practically enslave her people. She had refused adamantly and in return, they had destroyed her home village. She had barely had time for a proper funeral for her parents when the blockade went up. The rest was history. She buried her face in her arms, weeping quietly for the friends she had lost over the last few months. Too many. First her parents, her sisters, and her friends in her hometown, then Qui-Gon. Then, she had returned to power to find many of her friends murdered in the camps. "Are you all right?" Amidala started and her eyes flew open. Anakin Skywalker, the curious boy (* "Are you an Angel" *) who had saved them more than once, stood before her. He had a concerned expression on his small face. She smiled in spite of her self. "I'll be fine. I'm just in mourning for everyone I've lost on the path to this celebration. I don't feel I deserve to celebrate just yet." "That's not all, is it?" *Very good, Padawan,* she thought wryly. Either he had some good intuitions or the kid was more advanced in the Force than she realized. Then again, he was "THE CHOSEN ONE." She nearly laughed aloud. (*"Are you sure about this? Trusting our fate to a boy we hardly even know?* ) She indicated the empty seat next to her and he sat down, the same earnest expression still on his face. They sat together without speaking, watching the revelers, when Amidala stated abrubtly, "I'm thinking of resigning." Anakin jumped. "What?!" "I've failed my people. They elected me because they believed I could help our people put our war-filled past behind us and rein in a new era of peace and prosperity." She traced a finger over her lips, over the scar of remembrance. "The darker paint reminds us of the blood that has been shed as a price for our peace. There's so much of it, it nearly overwhelms the peace. I hoped I could even out the balance. By going to war against the Trade Federation, even if it was in defense, I've murdered tens of thousands of people, my parents included. I've given the dark more power. I have no right to lead these people." Anakin was silent for a few minutes, his gaze fixed on the revelry before them. For a minute, she thought he had fallen asleep. Then he spoke in a soft, pensive voice that startled her. "It's not like that at all. You had to fight to keep your people alive. There's nothing wrong with that. They should love you more, if anything, for your readiness to put yourself at risk for them. If not, they're slimeballs." Amidala laughed. "Except for that last part, you sounded like my father." Anakin nodded, smiling. "I *am* ten. Pretty ancient, if I must say so myself. *And* I'm going to be a Jedi." Amidala frowned slightly. "I thought you were nine." "I turned ten the day of Master Qui-Gon's funeral," he said in a small voice. Then he brightened. "Did Obi-Wan tell you we're staying here for a few more months to start my training?" "Yes, it's wonderful. We'll be able to see each other often." "In that case, can I ask you a question?" "Of course." "What am I supposed to call you? Padme, Amidala, Your Highness?" Amidala laughed. "I'm Padme Naberrie Amidala. Padme was what I as called by my family as a child. Call me anything you want. We're friends." She pulled out the pendant he had made for her from under her tunic. "Remember?" He grinned and stood, offering his hand. "In that case, Padme Naberrie Amidala, would you join me for this dance?" Amidala's smile spread to the corners of her face. "It would be my pleasure?"                                                      * * * Twelve years later "It's a beautiful world. Too bad we have to fight a war here." Anakin smiled. "That sounds familiar. First Naboo, then Alderaan." Amidala nodded sleepily from underneath Anakin's arm. "You'd swear there's a conspiracy out there. There really isn't any logic behind these wars." Anakin snorted. "There isn't any logic behind any form of war. One of the Masters on the Jedi Council is always saying, 'wars not make one great.'" He tightened his grip on Amidala, then let her go and stood to monitor the fire. Amidala looked him over appreciatively, well aware that he had reached his manhood. Nearly seven feet tall, he was built like a natural warrior. His musculature had become more defined over the last few years and his shoulders were broad. He turned and looked back at Amidala. "You remember back during the blockade, Master Qui-Gon and Obi-wan wouldn't join in the battles until they were faced with the Sith Lord? The Jedi won't have any part in a war further than protection or the standard role of a Jedi." Captain Khinva smiled wryly. "Then, if you don't mind my asking, why are you and General Kenobi here?" Anakin smiled and sat down, letting his arm slide protectively around Amidala's shoulders. "I, personally, am here to keep a certain young lady from killing herself off. Defending peace, justice, and the Republican way is merely a side benefit." "She doesn't need any protection. We won there and we'll win here. When will they take a hint and attack someplace like Nal Hutta or Tatooine?" Lieutenant Tarth laughed. "They'll lose wherever they go. They're up against *us.*" Someone cheered in the back of the group. Another silenced him. "Keep it down. We are still in enemy territory and there may be clone patrol troops out here." Amidala shuddered. Going against those clone armies was as blood- curdling as anything she had faced with the battle droids. These were precise war machines, bred to kill without a second thought. She looked up at Anakin. His gaze was focused in the distance, his expression perplexed. "What's wrong?" He started and looked down at her. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." She scowled at him. "Come on, don't start playing big brother on me. You've never hidden anything from me before. Don't do it now. Something's wrong with you." He smiled. "Thanks a lot, Ams." He sighed. "I can't help thinking there's someone who's behind all this. Your conspiracy theory might not be all that off. Someone is manipulating the course of galactic history from the shadows. "Remember in the Trade Federation inquiries, the viceroy kept on mentioning that he was under direct orders from his Lord. It sounded at first like a weak attempt to absolve himself of direct responsibility for the whole Naboo mess, but I have the feeling that Obi-wan didn't kill off the last of the Sith Lords. There's someone out there, maybe even Maul's Master, who is behind all this." He sighed. "I have the distinct feeling we're being lured into one trap after another. Over the last ten years, we've lost more Jedi through strange circumstances than in the last five hundred years. It's almost methodic murder." She frowned. "Do you think you're at risk?" He nodded. "In more ways than one. I'm not a full Jedi Knight yet and am susceptible to many things. Obi-wan is constantly reminding me to beware of the Dark Side. He is of the opinion that the Master, if that is what he is, might discover my strong Force potential and try to lure me over." "That's a frightening thought. I'd hate to have you on the wrong side of this war." He pulled her close. "Me either." She rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat and his slow, contented respiration. "Ams, can I ask you a question?" "Ani, after ten years, you haven't figured out that I'm not your squadron leader? Permission granted to speak freely." "I was wondering if you would do me a favor..."  Abruptly, he leapt to his feet. "Everyone down!" He hissed. Amidala half rose, but he gestured her down. She could see General Kenobi across the clearing, his lightsaber drawn, but deactivated. She stayed half-crouched, but hidden. She drew her blaster quietly and kept it at the ready. A storm of blaster bolts suddenly lanced out of nowhere. Anakin ignited his saber and deflected them with alarming speed. Amidala gaped, barely taking time to return fire when others did. She did so sparingly, firing in different directions to obscure her hiding place. Unexpectedly, a shot hit the rock in front of her. They were catching on quickly. One caught her in her firing hand, forcing her to drop the blaster. A bolt caught her in the upper chest, throwing her back. She could tell the wound was serious, but survivable. She kept still, listening to the commotion of a battle. "Three patrols. Looks like they're all from the same template. Must have run across us on scouting or they'd be here in full force. Requesting medical assistance and reinforcements." "Sithspawn, there's more of them. To the west." General Kenobi gestured to Anakin. "Take company Alpha and flank them. Manipulate their minds if you have to, but draw their fire away." Anakin nodded slightly, then shot a worried look at Amidala. "What about our injured?" "We'll do what we can to keep them safe. Go!" Anakin bent down and kissed her quickly, then smiled. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Amidala smiled as General Kenobi put a blanket over her. "The medic will be here soon." "Thank you." She drifted in and out of consciousness, picking up bits and pieces of conversation, hearing the ensuing battle. Eventually, the firing ceased and there was only the heavy breathing of the exhausted troops, waiting for a second attack. It never came. There was a general sigh of relief. "Casualties?" "Twenty wounded, thirteen dead." General Kenobi sighed. "Out of a hundred. Not good, but not as bad as it could have been." Amidala became aware that her wounds had been bandaged and someone had put a rolled jacket under her head. She was still covered by a blanket, but was being hoisted onto a medevac stretcher. Anakin ran into view, bruised and dust-covered, but grinning. "No losses in Company Alpha, sir. Six minor wounds." He crossed to her. "How's it going?" She inhaled shakily. "I've had worse." He grinned. "I'll bet you have." She smiled. "What was the favor you wanted to ask me?" He pushed away some rocks underfoot and brushed off his knees. He knelt on one knee, grinning nervously. Amidala laughed at his display. He shot her a hurt look that was 90% mirth. He took her injured hand, then thought better of it and stood. He stood and crossed to the other side of the stretcher. By now, quite a crowd of people had gathered to witness the spectacle the Padawan was putting on. He repeated the same process, then shot an accusing glance at the gathered crowd. "What are you looking at?" Lieutenant Tarth booed. "Come on, Skywalker. Get it over with." "Patience, you must learn patience." He took her hand and smiled up at her. "Padme Naberrie Amidala, I would be honored if you would consider marrying me." She squeezed his hand. "Consider it done." He stood and kissed her, long and hard. The troops broke out in raucous cheering. He pulled away and smiled. "Nice way to end a perfect day. First we get ambushed in the morning, then we get a taste for the local wildlife. Then we get ambushed again, you get shot, now this." Amidala laughed weakly. "Get used to it." General Kenobi pushed through the crowd. "All right, everyone, we're moving out. Our contacts have found a suitable haven for us to relocate to. But, before we go, I have more bad news for Commander Skywalker." "What now?" Kenobi put on a somber look. "Your Highness, not only will you be in wedlock with this monster, you'll be married to a full Jedi Knight. I just got word from the Council." Anakin staggered back, stunned, and fell under the attack of well- wishers. He saluted Amidala with his lightsaber. She could see the faint trails of tears on his cheeks, but knew he would never admit it. "All right, all right, we can celebrate in a way that leaves permanent marks once we get to the crevice. For now, pack up and move out."                                                                    * * * Obi-wan looked at Anakin, his face expressionless, and continued sipping at a drink. He finally spoke, in a low, soft tone. "I offer my congratulations on both counts. Well-deserved, I must say. Has she ever been tested for midi-chlorian count?" Anakin nodded. "Nowhere near as high as mine, but she does have some sensitivity. When we have children, they'll be very strong in the Force." He blushed uncharacteristically at the thought. "Gods, when we have children. I hadn't even thought of it that way." Kenobi frowned slightly at him. "In time. Focus on other things for now. Master Yoda always told me to be mindful of the future, but Qui-Gon always countered with, 'but not at the expense of the moment.' We're defending a Galaxy at war with, almost literally, itself." Anakin shuddered. "Sometimes I don't wonder if parts of our army, our government, haven't been replaced by those...things." He frowned. "Where are they coming from and why?" "I don't know. I think it might all be in the master design of some psychotic mastermind. The Master of that Sith Lord I faced on Naboo. Or maybe it's a group of people." "I doubt that it could be governed by a group without us knowing of it somehow." Obi-wan smiled, a rare occurrence. "That's pretty arrogant of you." He sat back. "I, personally, think that they have a connection to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in some way. Both of them have too much power over certain parts of Senate procedure. It seems that their motives are in tandem." "Maybe Palpatine *is* the mastermind behind all this." Obi-wan choked on his drink. He doubled over, coughing violently. He then straightened. "Come again?" Anakin frowned. "Ams and I have been talking this over. We both noticed in hindsight how conveniently the Naboo situation was manipulated in his favor, as if he himself were controlling it. We've both decided he's much too dangerous. His ambitions are frightening and he has many enemies both in the Senate and on Naboo. I have the feeling that he'll start pushing for something larger any day now. He has the resources and the contacts and the power to pull off a war at his convenience to draw more power to him and reduce the power of the Senate." "We're fighting a Sith Lord," Obi-wan countered. "I did some checking when the thought first struck me. Palpatine's had Jedi training. He was disavowed for classified reasons about twenty years ago." Obi-wan sat up. "I don't know if you're right; I hope you're not. But we should definitely watch our backs."                                                                  * * * Six weeks later, Anakin and Amidala were about to leave on their honeymoon when a transmission came through. "I have some serious news. Chancellor Palpatine has seized complete control of the Senate. He has dissolved the Republic and declared himself Emperor." Amidala sat down hard. "Then, it's come. I knew this would happen." Anakin frowned. "What about his enemies. Can't they do anything?" Obi-wan exhaled shakily. "They've been murdered for the most part. The Jedi Temple..." He bowed his head. "It's been destroyed. Everyone except Master Yoda is dead. He was off-planet and won't be returning. It's too dangerous now." He looked up. "Does he know where you're going?" "He asked, but we lied. We didn't want him sending an honor guard like he usually does." "Or honor assassins," Obi-wan said grimly. "I have family in Anchorhead. Owen and Beru Lars. It's not far from Mos Espa. If anything goes wrong, go there. They'll be expecting you." Anakin nodded. "What about you?" "I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet. For now, I'm getting as far away from Coruscant as possible. Be careful, both of you."  Journal Of The Whills
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