Chosen Paths Part 3
                                                              Anakin barely slept each night during his tenure as Palpatine's apprentice. He knew that by agreeing to train, he could reach the inside circle of Palpatine's regime and then destroy it from the inside out. His thoughts were mostly preoccupied with his wife. He reached out to her every night, silently communicating his love. He usually contacted his mother, as well. Then, one night, he couldn't sense Shmi. In a frenzy, he stole a ship and made it off-planet where no one could tap in. He tapped in the link code and waited. Amidala appeared, her face drawn, her eyes red. Oi-Wan seated beside her. "Anakin, something horrible has happened." "Where's my mother?" "It was a mistake. Republic Loyalists bombed the slave quarters in the middle of the night, thinking they were barracks for Palpatine's troops. Mos Espa is gone. Obi-wan and I were on the Cica, so we weren't hurt, but we saw everything." She buried her face. This is such a mess." "It's Palpatine's fault, no one else's. He forced those Loyalists into their position. It's him who we have to kill." "The sooner the better. Come home soon, please. I have the feeling that you two might be next on his hit list." Anakin shuddered. "More than you can ever know. I've found out who the Sith Lord is." Obi-wan sat up straighter. "What? How?" "Contacts. And I had the misfortune of meeting him." Obi-wan frowned. "Who is he?" "His Sith title is Darth Sidious. To us, he's known as Emperor Palpatine." He rubbed his shoulder. "I didn't know until I was summoned for an audience with Palpatine and found the Sith Lord there instead. I found out later the connection between the two. He tried to kill me, then demanded that I join him. I told him I wouldn't join him, but I wouldn't fight him, either. He accepted that for now, but we're running out of time." Obi-wan pointed his finger in Anakin's direction. "If he comes to you again, I want to know." "All right, all right. It's just, maybe I should pretend to join him, get into his circle, then destroy it from the interior." "I don't know. I've been studying situations such as this before. In the Great Sith War, Ulic Qel-Droma tried the same thing. He fell to the Dark Side and lost his Force powers for it." Anakin smiled. "If you'll remember, Qel-Droma was seduced by the Dark Side and a woman. I've seen the effects of the Dark Side--Qui-Gon, the Jedi Council, my mother and others are dead because of it--and I'm very happily married."    Obi-wan sighed. "All right, try it. But at the first sign of danger, pull out. Don't even stop to think about it. The last of the Sith will not settle for having the Chosen One on the wrong side of his war. "I'm taking Amidala to Alderaan for now. It's safer than here and closer to Coruscant. Then I'm coming right back. I'll meet you on Tatooine in six days. At my brother's in Anchorhead. We'll discuss your progress then." Anakin signed off and stretched, running through his refreshing excercises. "He doesn't suspect a thing, Master." Palpatine stepped from the shadows. "Good. We can't have him interfering. Not now, when we've come so far. If he confronts you on anything, kill him."                                                                  * * * Amidala turned sideways, looking in the mirrored surface in the Grand Hall of the Alderaan Royal Palace. She was waiting to see Bail Organa for the third time in a week. *Gods, I'm starting to show after only three months.* She smiled appreciatively and pulled her robes tight over her protruding abdomen. *Well, that's the price you pay for twins. Anakin will be so happy.* Her smile shrank. *That is, if he comes home in time for me to tell him.* "Your Highness?" Her hands dropped and she turned to see Organa's personal secretary standing in the doorway. "The viceroy will see you now." Amidala smiled slightly. "Thank you." She stepped through into Organa's office. He stood and bowed. "Good to see you, Amidala. How are things going?" Amidala smiled broadly. "Wonderfully, except I haven't seen my husband in four weeks." Bail frowned. "About that. I've just heard from Obi-wan. There's a problem." Amidala sat down hard. "He's not dead, is he?" Her voice was a barely audible whisper. She started trembling. "Please, Bail. What's happened?" "They were to meet on Tatooine about three days ago at the Lars' farm. I'd heard that Anakin's been receiving personal training from the Emperor himself. I contacted Ben Kenobi, since I was concerned. He confronted Anakin on it and Anakin arranged to meet him in the Jundland Wastes. Anakin met him with open weapons. In the ensuing lightsaber battle, Kenobi was gravely injured, but he managed to prevail by brute force. Anakin was driven back into a molten pit." Amidala collapsed. "Oh, gods. He's dead, isn't he." "I don't know. Last I heard, he was in critical condition, not expected to live. He's hanging on by a thread, at best. Only a miracle of the Force will save him." Amidala looked up, her face wet with tears. "Yes, but which side?"                                                               * * * "Amidala?" Amidala looked up, then shot to her feet and leapt over her desk. She lunged at Obi-wan, her hands locking around his throat. She knocked him over, strangling the life out of him. "You bastard, you killed my husband." He gently pried her hands away and pushed her away. She pummeled him over and over with her fists, screaming at the top of her voice. Guards ran in, their weapons raised. "Don't shoot. It's under control." Amidala stood, glaring at him. "Please, shoot him. Make my life easier." She kicked him in the side. "You killed him." The guards left. As soon as they closed the door, silence fell and Amidala sank to her knees, sobbing heavily. Obi-wan stood painfully. "I'm sorry. I had no idea this would happen." He clutched his ribs. "He's not dead, but he might as well be. By attacking me, he's earned his place in the Dark Side. The Emperor's announced it. He is no longer Anakin Skywalker, just Darth Vader." "You let this happen," she sobbed. "You let him walk into the trap. For twelve years, you've trained him to be the best because he is the Chosen One. He was supposed to balance the Force. Now, you've let the tables turn in their favor at the cost of his life. All because you refused to admit to yourself that he was in danger." Obi-wan knelt beside her and gathered her into his arms. She struggled, then collapsed against him, burying her tears in his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. My pride has had terrible consequences, but Anakin thought he could handle it. He felt Palpatine wasn't stupid enough to kill him and he didn't see any other options." He stroked her back. "I tried to convince him otherwise, but he was so sure. We were both blind." Amidala pulled back and looked down at her abdomen. "What am I supposed to do now?" "Go on with life as normal. Since he couldn't be the champion of our cause, his children will." She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. "Sure, easy for you to say."                                                                  * * * Five months later, Amidala lay, perspiring heavily. It was a cold day on Alderaan, but the strains of labor forced the uncharacteristic display of humanity. A few minutes before, two children had come into the world, healthy, hungry, loud. She had wept at the sound of their crying. Then they had taken them away to clean them up. Obi-wan reentered. "Lady Skywalker, your children want to see you." She attempted to sit up, but the ordeal had taken too much out of her. She could feel energy slipping away slowly, out of her control. She forced herself to sit up and smiled weakly. "One at a time, please." Kenobi passed her daughter into her arms. The girl opened her eyes and reached up towards her face. Amidala held her face closer, allowing her daughter to touch her for the first time. The small hand traced along the lower edge of her orbital cavity, then her nose. Amidala smiled. "Take her to the Organas. They'll take care of her the way she deserves--a royal treatment." "Shall they name her?" Amidala pulled her head back and looked in earnest at her daughter's face. So much of her grandmother in those features. With that in mind, she looked up and smiled. "Leia, my mother's name. Princess Leia Organa." She passed her to Kenobi. "Don't let her go without my saying goodbye to her once more. Now, where's my son, Luke?" He passed the boy over. "He'll be in good care. You know my brother and his wife. They live a simple life, but he won't lack for any love. He'll grow up strong, like his father." Luke was asleep already, a contented look on his tiny face. He was the image of Anakin. "Hopefully without the end result his father suffered." "I have to take him now. It's too dangerous to wait until later. Palpatine is on a warpath and Vader probably knows where you are. If we move him to Tatooine now and you take Leia to the Organas while I'm there, we'll minimize the risks." She nodded and kissed his face. He stirred, but did not awaken. She passed him back. "Take care of my son, Ben. You owe it to the future."                                                                                  * * * Amidala lay Leia in the midst of clothing and blankets. The medic attached a portable respirator and closed the trunk quietly. "No one will guess she's in here and we've sedated her to keep her quiet." Amidala nodded, looking away so the medic wouldn't see her tears. She guessed anyway and drew Amidala into a loose embrace. "Everything will be fine. Your children are safe now." Amidala simply nodded and turned away until they had taken the last of her children away from her. Then, she dressed in black and formally went into mourning for her family.                                                                    * * * It was a private function for a select few guests of the Emperor-- a private celebration of the demise of the Jedi Order. The Emperor received his guests in an elaborate throne room in the Senate complex, now transformed into the Imperial Palace. They were his most avid supporters. Beside him, staunch through the entire reception, was a towering figure in black body armor from head to foot. He never spoke, never made a movement. Until a certain Naboo dignitary entered. Amidala had been invited as a taunt, a slap in the face. She had only accepted in order to see her husband. Now, she stood in the doorway, paralyzed with fear and shock. Someone behind her propelled her forward to join the receiving line. She moved out of it and stood to the side, staring at the monstrosity before her. Was that her husband or a machine? He scanned the room and his gaze stopped on her. She looked at him icily, restraining the tears more for her sake than his. He leaned down and conferred briefly with Palpatine, then stepped down and began crossing the room to where she stood. She retreated into a secluded corner and waited. He finally stopped in front of her. He ran his gaze over her, taking time to absorb every detail the way he used to. She stood tall, proud. She wore a dark green dress with a fitted bodice and a flared skirt. The sleeves fell to just below her elbow and a series of gold embroidery traced each curve. A diadem hung on her head and circled her dark, plaited hair. She was wearing the pendant he had made so long ago on a gold chain around her neck. In his Force sense she could read the turmoil as his memories resurfaced. "Ams," he said softly. "My gods." She stepped back, releasing the tears. "Anakin, what has happened to you?" "Kenobi. He nearly killed me. I'm sure you've heard it recounted many times." "Enough to know it wasn't Kenobi's fault. Anakin, you failed your destiny. Failed those who had faith in your ability to restore the goodness in the Galaxy." She sat down. "You failed your children, Ani." He grabbed her shoulders in a vice grip. "My children? You never told me." She glared at him. "I miscarried after five months. They would have been born two years ago today, roughly." Anakin was silent for a moment, then released her shoulders. "Even if they had survived, I would have killed them. I don't want any child growing up knowing what a monster he has for a father." Anakin whirled and lifted her by her neck, letting her dangle. "You are betraying everything good that has come from this. We are in the most prosperous and stable time that has been known since the foundation of the Republic. Those who cannot see that cannot survive." Amidala just stared at him, though she could feel her windpipe collapsing. *Go ahead, Anakin. Preserve decency by murdering your own wife. Show them how superior you are." She let the cold-blooded stare burn into him until she fell into darkness.                                                                                  * * * Bail Organa looked up as his office door opened. He heard tiny footsteps, then a giggle. Then a small face, framed by elaborate braids, appeared around the corner of his desk and his foster daughter grinned at him. He grinned back, then made a funny face. She giggled again. "Daddy, come on. You said you would play." "In a minute, Your Highness. I still have to finish these matters." She pouted and sat down next to the desk, waiting impatiently. He was about to close up for the day when a messenger arrived. "General Kenobi to see you, sir." Bail hesitated, then swung his daughter onto his lap. "I'm sorry, but I have to see the General. We can play tonight and then tomorrow, I'll take you to Antibes to show you your Palace." She kissed his cheek and got down. Kenobi let her pass, his expression somber. "She looks just like her mother, a natural-born princess." Bail smiled. "That she does. How is Amidala?" "Dead." Bail shot to his feet. "What?!" "The Emperor invited her to a special reception celebrating the demise of the Jedi Order two days ago. She went so she could see Anakin. She hadn't seen him in two and a half years, you know. She planned to stay a few minutes, then make a run for it. But, Anakin insisted on speaking with her. She confronted him with his failures, then told him he'd failed his children." Bail gasped. "She didn't." "Don't worry, she told him that she miscarried. However, she was on a holy crusade and started shoving his corruption down his throat. In response, Anakin crushed her windpipe." Bail gasped. "She didn't fight back?" "No. Witnesses say she just hung there, staring at him with this intense look on her face. Not hateful, just stalwart. She wasn't going to cave in. She looked that way up until the moment when she died." He sighed. "Typical of her." "I know. She was the most amazing woman. So dedicated and adamant. I had hoped that she would take Palpatine's place in the Senate, then take over the Chancellorship someday." Bail sagged into his chair. "This will get worse, won't it." Obi-wan looked towards the sky, where the 'sector defense' of three Star Destroyers, a Carrack-class cruiser, and a blockade runner hung in waiting. "Oh, yes. It can get much worse and it will."                                                                  * * * The Imperial Center morgue was cold and silent, but Anakin didn't notice. His body armor shielded him from every human sensation. Except emotion. He found the appropriate box and opened it. He slid the tray out, his heart wrenching momentarily before the regulator remedied the situation. Amidala was more beautiful in death than he remembered. She looked to be completely at peace, something she had never been in life. she showed no signs of injury externally. She was...perfect. Just as she had always been. He gently lifted her, swaddling her in the sheet. Her head rested against his chest plate. He carried her from the morgue and to the waiting landspeeder. He flew to a secluded spot near the Manarai Mountains and set down. There, he prepared a funeral pyre. He lay her across the branches, then straightened. He removed the top of his helmet first, then the protective face- plate. At the risk of dying, he disengaged the respirator and pulled the final layer away. "Ams, you deserve better than this. You deserved better than me. I'm so sorry." He bent down and kissed her for the last time, his tears falling on her upturned face. Then he stepped back, replaced the helmet, and lit the pyre. He knelt, weeping, as the last of his life as Anakin Skywalker burned away into mere shadows of itself. End  Journal Of The Whills
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