End of Episode III
  SUMMARY: The climatic duel between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi has ended, with Anakin's transformation into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Queen Amidala has gone into hiding to give birth to her twins; one heading with Obi-Wan to be raised on Tatooine by his relatives, and the other to be raised with her and Bail Organa on Alderaan..... the last scene is with Darth Vader staring out of a window of the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, turning away to look at the pendant in his hand (the one he had given Amidala in TPM and she had left behind in haste before the duel), and then crushing it. And then: FADE TO: The skyline of the planet Coruscant. A subtitled caption reads: "Coruscant - Capital of the New Republic". The skyline zooms in to center in on the former Imperial Palace (another caption appears, and reads: "Forty-five years later." Pan in to a large residential chamber, where two figures are bent on one knee, in rapt attention as a ghostly image of Yoda speaks to them, with another ghostly apparition looking on. "Now," Yoda said as he looked back and forth at the two, "know your father's life do you. So suffer your father's fate you do not." After a period of stunned silence, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was the first to speak. "Master Yoda, why tell us now? I'm sure you had your reasons for not telling Leia and I the whole story back when I was your appren...I mean, Padawan, but, why now?" Yoda looked up at the middle-aged Skywalker. "Ahh, yes, mmm, could have told you then, when the Emporer was defeated, hmm? Could have told you when Thrawn terrorized the galaxy? Could have answered many questions, hmmm?" Yoda leaned closer to the two. "Always questions have you, Luke. Needed time you did, to find your own path, to re-establish Jedi in the galaxy. Needed time to train Leia in ways of the Force. Needed time, you did, to subdue last remnants of Palpatine's Empire." Yoda continued: "With the Force must come knowledge. Knowledge you lacked. And now you seek to re-establish Jedi Council, hmm? That is when we decided it best to tell you." "Who is 'we'?", asked Luke. "The departed Jedi?" As if in answer to his question, three more Jedi shimmered into existance: two younger men and a bearded Jedi whom the twins didn't recognize. "We thought it best to tell you when the time was right, Luke", exclaimed a younger Jedi. Something about his reddish-blond beard.... "Ben? Is it really you?" asked Luke. Obi-Wan smiled. "Yes, Luke, it's good to see you too....the BOTH of you." He smiled at a beaming Leia. "You remember that Yoda and I said that we would always be with you..." "As am I", Said the other young Jedi apparition as he gazed upon the twins in adoration. "Father", Leia breathed. "My children, you have done what Yoda and Obi-Wan have waited so long for you to do: you have re-established the Republic and the Jedi Knights. You have righted all the wrongs that Palpatine..", Anakin hesitated, then whispered "...and I....have done." He paused as he looked upon Leia. "You remind me so much of your mother." He straightened up a bit and continued. "And with that, now was the time for you to know about me, and the people who were there with me." As he turned to stare at the older bearded Jedi, who had remained silent and thoughtful the whole time. Luke turned to regard the older Jedi with reverance. "You must be Master Qui-Gon Jinn." Standing, he approached Qui-Gon and bowed his head in greeting. "Leia and I owe our gratitude to you in discovering our father, and bringing our parents together." "It's good to meet you at last, Luke, Leia." The Jedi Master grinned as he regarded them. "I've been watching you for a long time now, the both of you. You've made me so proud, helping to fulfill your father's destiny....and yours." Qui-Gon turned to regard Yoda with a stare. "My master, I believe we should be departing." "Mmm...my own counsel will I keep, Qui-Gon" said Yoda sternly before letting loose a chuckle. "The truth he speaks. Now go we must." Luke turned to regard the ghostly group. "Will we ever see you again?" Obi-Wan nodded at Luke "Remember all that we have taught you, and remember what I have told you. Yoda and I will always be with you..." As he and Yoda faded from view. "As will the spirit of the Jedi..." Qui-Gon grinned. "Luke, Leia, you are but the first of the new Jedi, in a New Republic of which the likes the galaxy has never seen. There will be dark times ahead, as well as good times. But remember," he paused, "you have each other. You'll do fine. You ARE Skywalkers, after all...", Nodding as he faded from view as well. Anakin, now a bit dimmer, turned to regard his children with adoration. "I wanted to tell you, my children, that I am sorry that your mother is not here with us. She is not Jedi, and as such, can't appear to you. But know she sends her love, and watches over you, as will I....we love you both...." as he faded. The room was silent, as Luke and Leia stared at each other. Luke was about to speak when the door opened to admit a bedraggled Han Solo and a babbling C-3PO. Han looked in exasperation as he came up to the twins. "Hey, if you galactic wizards don't feel like dallying anymore, I'm getting pretty tired of trying to entertain the lugnut senatorial staff we're hosting for dinner. And Goldenrod here isn't helping things, plus Chewie's about ready to rip...." He stopped as he regarded the twins, who were lost in thought. "Um...Solo to Skywalkers, hello?" He went over to Leia and asked "Leia, what's wrong?" Leia looked up at him and smiled. "Nothing, Han. Absolutely nothing." She took his arm and walked out of the room, leaving Luke and the droids alone. Luke regarded the two of them for a minute, with C3P0 spouting off about all the famous dignitaries present at the dinner, and how wonderful the food was, until Luke looked at R2 and said, "You know, you could have told me earlier. A LOT earlier". The little droid whistled in nervousness. "I understand, R2, it's OK." "Excuse me, Master Luke," Threepio stopped his babbling to ask. "Is something wrong, sir?" Luke regarded him for a bit, and said, "Well, you know how you're always thanking the Maker when we come back from successful missions?" "And well I should sir! Why the odds of us surviving every battle and firefight we've been through in the last several years is four hundred thousand seventy-four t..." Luke held up a hand to stop him. "I know who you're talking about now, C3PO..." He smiled as he began to walk past him. He stopped and turned to him at the door. "Or should I say, See-Thru Threepio?" He chuckled and left the room. 3PO turned to R2 and exclaimed "Well, what was THAT all about?" A chirp from the droid was his reply as they began to leave the room. "R2, what do you mean, they know everything? What are you.....OH MY. R2, we were given explicit instructions by the Queen herself not to.... what do you mean, a little Jedi Master told them? R2-D2, you should know better that to fib as such! Oh dear, I hope you didn't tell them about my parts showing..." FADE OUT  Journal Of The Whills
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