Full Circle
  Old Ben Kenobi sat next to the young farm boy, Luke Skywalker, as the little R2 unit beeped softly at him. "Well my little friend, he said bending towards it, Let's see what you've got." Gently, he touched the blue astrotech's domed head, flipping a switch. He leaned back feeling his old bones ache as an image appeared. The young farm boy next to him turned from the golden droid, C3PO, as it shut down, "It's her," he stated softly. As the image spoke, Ben leaned back. The image before him, that called him General Obi-Wan Kenobi, was of a young woman in a white dress with a hood. He folded his arms before him, listening, but not. He was amazed at how much she looked like her mother, Amidala. The long brown hair, the defiant voice, and the brave stature. Very much like Amidala when he first met her. It was many years ago, when he was in his late years as a Padawan Learner to the great Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Just the thought of his late former Master's name still brought a slight twinge of pain to his heart. They were sent to Naboo, a small planet, by Chancellor Valorum. They were to be ambassadors, to help work out the dispute that was going on there. The Trade Federation had blockaded the small planet. He had thought it was strange, for Naboo was a peaceful world. Too small for a blockade to really effect it, unlike the larger planets of the galaxy. But then again, the Naboo had recently elected a very young Queen, no older that 14 years of age. She was Amidala. But to her credit, she was wise beyond her years and beautiful too. He remembered noting this, telling no one. Amidala proved to be a thorn in the Trade Federation's side. She was determined to see her people free. With wise planning and the help of the Gungan, plus a small boy named Anakin Skywalker, she succeeded. With this success, many grew to see her in a new light. Not the mere young naive girl, but as a just ruler and ready to act in her people's behalf when needed. She was also a friend. When she heard of Qui-Gon's death, she was the first to comfort him. He thanked her for this, it was a difficult time in his life. She seemed to understand his pain and knew he was going to travel a new path, alone. As the years went by, their friendship grew, but was nothing more than that. She loved another, the young boy that he promised his late Master he would train, Anakin Skywalker. The boy ended up changing both their lives, for all time. Anakin changed many lives and most importantly the Force. When Anakin turned to the Dark Side, she was pregnant. He glanced over at Luke, remembering when Amidala came to him with the same fear in her voice that the young woman in the holoimage had. She begged him for help. She wanted him to help her hide her children from their father. With the Jedi falling, he saw no other choice. He took the boy from her arms, feeling the Force travel strongly through his veins. Amidala took the baby girl, Leia. He told Amidala good-bye, kissing her cheek tenderly. He also told her he would look after the boy to ensure his safety. He even told her the Force would be with her always. That was the last he saw of Amidala, until now. Every ounce of her was in her daughter. The time had finally come. Soon he would be one with the Force and would be with his late Master again. He also thought he would see Amidala as well in this new life he was about to embark on. But for now, he saw her in her daughter. In his eyes, Leia was Amidala. And like her mother, he could not turn down her cry for help. Now he had one last mission, then he could rest. One last test and his life would come full circle.  Journal Of The Whills
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