The Paranormal; 4th Dimension; Anomalies:
  • Deja-vu
  • E.S.P. (Extrasensory Perception)
  • Clairvoyance
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Possession
  • Witchcraft
  • Life After Death
  • Channeling
  • Extraterrestrials
  • U.F.O.s
  • Psychic Healing
  • Astrology
  • Dreams
  • Voo-Doo
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Biorhythms
  • Chimera
  • Phychics
  • Monsters
  • Psychokinesis

    AREA 51 "Area 51" is a block of government land about 95 miles north of Las Vegas. It is surrounded by the Nevada Test Site and the Nellis Air Force Range. The name "Area 51" supposedly came from a designation appearing on an old map of the Nevada Test Site. Inside Area 51 is a large Air Force base, near the shore of Groom Dry Lake, that the government does not publicly acknowledge. The airspace around the base is off-limits even to most military pilots and is referred to on aviation frequencies as "Dreamland."
    The base at Groom Lake has traditionally been America's testing ground for the latest generation of secret aircraft. The U-2, A- 12, SR-71 and F-117A were flight tested here long before being made public. Since the government won't acknowledge anything about the base, it's hard to be know what is going on there now. Common rumors suggest two possible new aircraft, an ultra-high speed spy plane known as "Aurora" and a smaller version of the B-2 which purportedly might replace the F-117A. Most projects at Groom are probably more mundane, though, and of interest only to hard-core military buffs.
    This area has long been rich in UFO lore. Whatever you can imagine--captured aliens, underground bases, alien-government collusion--it's all been claimed at Groom Lake. One of the more restrained and interesting stories is the claim by a Las Vegan, Bob Lazar, that he worked with extraterrestrial flying saucers at an installation at Papoose Lake, south of Groom Lake, in an area he calls "S-4." He says he helped "reverse engineer" one of the craft, but that he saw no aliens himself. There seems to be no way to confirm or directly refute this claim. Since Lazar first made his claims in a locally televised interview, many tourists have been coming to the public lands closest to the base to try to catch glimpses of alien craft in flight. Many believe that they have seen UFOs here, but there are so many UFO-like natural and military phenomena on display here that its hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. Many people have lived in this area all their lives and never seen a UFO. It is important to note that there is a difference between the claim that the government has alien spacecraft in its possession and the claim that you can come here to see flying saucers in flight. In general, the second claim is less credible.
    About 130 miles from Las Vegas, at Mile Marker LN 29.5 on remote Nevada Highway 375, is a lone mailbox used by a local rancher. Since this "Black Mailbox" is the only landmark on this stretch of the highway, this is where the true believers come. Many visitors claim to have seen flying saucer here, although the rancher himself claims to have seen none. There is a lot of intense military war games activity in this area that produces a lot of flares and other interesting lights in the sky--great "UFOs" if you want to see them. There used to be two viewpoints on public land close to the border--White Sides and Freedom Ridge--where a visitor could legally view the secret Air Force base. These areas were closed by the Air Force in April 1995. You can still see the base from a distant mountain, Tikaboo Peak, but it requires a strenous 1-1/2 hour hike from a remote dirt road.
    That's the nickname for the anonymous private security force that patrols the military border. They wear camouflage fatigues without insignia and drive white Jeep Cherokees with government plates. They keep close watch on any visitors that come within a few miles of the border, but they are under orders to avoid contact.
    The greatest danger is wandering across the unfenced military border, which would result in your immediate arrest and a fine of up to $600. Wherever a road crosses the border, it is marked by clear "Restricted Area" signs which should not be crossed. In the desert, the border is marked by orange posts every 50 yards. It is unwise to hike near the border at night because the posts become invisible. Another major danger, when driving, is getting stuck on an remote, unmaintained dirt road that your vehicle cannot handle. The History of Area51 April, 1955: Lockheed test pilot, Tony LeVier, under orders from Kelly Johnson, searches for remote site to test the U-2. He finds Groom Lake and returns with Kelly Johnson and a representative of the CIA. Johnson decides to place the runway at the south end of Groom Lake. Work begins on the facility there under the direction of Lockheed Skunk Works. (1) July, 1955: Work on "The Ranch" is complete at a cost of $800,000. It consists of three hangars, control tower, mess hall, runway, and numerous mobile homes. The first U-2 was shipped out on July 23. (1) August 4, 1955: First flight of the U-2 at Groom Lake. (1) November 17, 1955: A C-54 transport, enroute to Groom Lake from Burbank, crashes into Mt. Charleston killing all aboard, 9 civilian workers and 5 military. (5) Fall, 1956: Six pilots from SAC start training at Groom Lake in the U-2. (1) April 1957: A U-2 with radar spoofing equipment crashes during testing near Groom Lake, killing the pilot. (1) June 20, 1958: Public Land Order 1662 is enacted by Roger Ernst, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, withdrawing 38,400 acres (60 square miles) for use "by the Atomic Energy Commission in connection with the Nevada Test Site." The area, 6 miles North/South and 10 miles East/West, form the first "box" around the Groom base. September 21, 1959: The USGS snaps a photo (13-146) of Groom Lake as part of a routine mapping program, which is still available. November, 1959: A full scale mockup of an A-12 is shipped to Groom Lake, via truck, for radar signature testing. (4) September, 1960: Construction begins on a major expansion of the Groom Lake facility to accommodate the A-12 (OXCART) program on behalf of the CIA. This period of construction would not be complete until mid 1964. (4) September 7, 1960: Work begins on lengthening and strengthening the existing 5,000' runway to 8,500'. It was completed November 15. (4) Late 1961: Colonel Robert J. Holbury, USAF, is named Commander of the Groom base. (4) Early 1962: The fuel tank farm is completed with a capacity of 1,320,000 gallons. (4) January, 1962: The existing restricted airspace over Groom Lake is expanded. (4) February 26, 1962: The first A-12 Blackbird is brought to Groom Lake via truck for testing. (4) (Ben Rich says January, 1962) April 26, 1962: First flight test of the A-12 Blackbird at Groom Lake. (4) July 9, 1964: An A-12 (#133) crashes on final approach to Groom Lake. The pilot ejects at an altitude of 500'. (4) Beginning 1965: The OXCART construction project is now complete and the base population has reached 1,835. (4) February 27, 1965: First flight test of the D-21 drone launched from a Blackbird at Groom Lake. (1) December 28, 1965: An A-12 (#126) crashes immediately after takeoff from Groom Lake. (4) January 5, 1967: An A-12 (#125) runs out of fuel 70 miles from Groom Lake, crashing, and the pilot killed after ejecting. (4) August 28, 1968: The US Geological Survey snaps an aerial photo of the Groom Lake complex as part of a routine high altitude survey. This photo, since published in numerous places, was available to the public until early 1994, when it was withdrawn from release by the government. Mid-November, 1977: "Have Blue", the F-117A Stealth fighter prototype, is shipped to Groom Lake for flight testing. (1) December 1, 1977: First flight of the "Have Blue" at Groom Lake. (2) May 4, 1978: One of the two "Have Blue" prototypes crashes at Groom. (2) July 11, 1979: The second "Have Blue" prototype crashes 35 miles from Groom Lake. (1) May, 1981: First production F-117A airlifted to Groom Lake for testing. (1) June 18, 1981: First flight of the production F-117A Stealth fighter at Groom Lake. (1) February, 1982: First flight of " Tacit Blue" (demonstrator for stealth technology) at Groom Lake. (7) April 20, 1982: The first production model of the F-117A crashes at Groom Lake during Air Force acceptance tests. (1) October 15, 1982: Beginning of acceptance flight tests with second production model of F-117A. (1) Early 1984: The Air Force seizes 89,000 acres to the north and west of Groom Lake, pushing the border far from the base. 1984: First Stealth fighter squadron moves from Groom Lake into new facilities at Tonopah Test Range. (1) August, 1984: In Congressional hearings concerning the land seizure, the Air Force representative (John Seiberling) makes the statement that while the Air Force had no legal authority to seize the land (as far as he knew) the decision to do so was made at a much higher level than his. He would only go into the details in a closed session. (5) 1985: Tacit Blue program ends. (7) 1987: Congress finally authorizes the Air Force's land seizure. (2) July 17, 1988: A Soviet spy satellite takes a photo of the Groom Lake area destined for release in a number of publications, including "Popular Science" and "The Lazar Poster." May, 1989: Robert Lazar's first interviews are broadcast on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas. Lazar stated he had been hired to reverse engineer extraterrestrial craft at a facility at Papoose Lake, just southwest of Groom Lake. Lazar's appearance focused the first widespread public interest on the Groom Lake area. October 18, 1993: The Air Force files a notice in the Federal Register seeking to withdraw another 3972 acres from public use to curtail public viewing of the Groom base from Freedom Ridge and Whitesides Peak. (3) April, 1994: "Popular Science" magazine appears, featuring a satellite photo of the Groom Lake base on its cover and containing a lengthy article on the base and its history, thus igniting mainstream media interest in the facility. April 10, 1995: Freedom Ridge and Whitesides Peak are officially closed to all public access. (3) January, 1996: The Bechtel Corporation is reported to have begun work lengthening the secondary runway (14L-32R) by 5,000'. (3)

  • Introduction:
    Encounters with Men in Black, (MIB) revolve completely around UFO and alien sightings. Thousand of everyday people worldwide have had experiences with MIB's after witnessing UFO related events since the beginning of history. There have been possible occurrences of MIB's going back in history to Abraham in the Bible. Many Catholic saints wrote of experiences involving strange visitors after seeing angels in the sky. The men in black that are most common to us began visiting people in 1947. This is also around the same time that the UFO explosion began in America. The mysterious men in black have not change their appearance or intentions since the 1950's.
  • Description:
    Dressed always in black suits, black shoes, black string ties, and white shirts.
    A black hat or a black turtleneck is sometimes worn.
    Some also carry a black brief case which they never put down.
    Thin Blond hair or completely bald.
    Age estimated somewhere between 40 and 55+ years old.
    Pale skin color. High cheekbones. Cut facial features.
    Height reports vary between 6 foot and 6'9".
    Weight; thin, weak build, 140 to 160 pounds.
    MIB's usually travel in groups of three. However, groups of four, two and one have been reported. They have passed as repairmen, door-to-door sales people and representatives of the U.S. Air Force. (The Air Force denies involvement in any of the MIB cases)
  • MIB's Transportation:
    Men in black drive large, expensive black cars. The cars sometimes have unusual logos on the doors or windshield. Every license plate recorded has been untraceable. The men in black have been seen driving at night with headlights turned off and strange glowing lights inside the car. In some rare cases the men in black have also used black helicopters.
  • Late Night Phone Calls:
    Bizarre phone calls before MIB visitations are common. Strange dull voices claiming to be from (non-existing) UFO organizations asking questions about what the witness saw. Most of the time the questions are followed by a warning not to talk to anyone about what they witnessed. Abnormal noises can be heard in the background of the caller. The noises vary in tone when certain subjects or words are mentioned, like "UFO".
  • Contact:
    The men in black are sometimes called the "Silencers". Their objectives seem to be: Find out how much the witness knows or has seen. Confiscate any and all physical evidence that might have been left behind.
    Warn witnesses directly not to talk to anyone and not to speak about their meeting. In some cases the witness is threatened with harm against them or their family.
  • MIB Presence:
    There are reported side effects that take place during a MIB encounter. Witnesses have reported feeling uncontrollable fear and being dizzy and nauseous. In some cases witnesses account that being in the presence of a MIB is like being near pure evil. These effects seem to aid the silencing process.
  • Defense against MIB's:
    When confronted by MIB's try to stay under control. When they ask questions answer them and then ask your own questions. Ask about them, or how to contact them later. Always smile and laugh. Act like their presence has no effect on you. Of course that sounds easy, but no one has ever been able to do it.
  • Targets for MIB contact:
    Anyone that has a UFO or UFO related experience can be visited by MIB's. Past reports include ex-air force pilots, employees of NASA, and hundred of people that have seen or photographed something strange in the sky. MIB's have also been spotted in many different places including the lobby of the U.S. State Department.

    Ghost Classification

  • Ghost: Soul, Spirit, Demon. The disembodied spirit of a dead person, conceived of an appearing to the living as a pale, shadowy apparition.

  • Phantom: Something that seems to appear to the sight but has no physical exsistance; Apparition, Vision, Spector. Something to be feared or deaded.

  • Wraith: Guardian; a ghost. Spectral figure of a person supposedly seen as a premonition just before that person dies.

  • Poltergeist: Responsible for mysterious noisy disturbances or moving, misplacing of objects. Some poltergeists have been reported to cause physical harm to people.

  • Haunt: Visit often or continually. Frequented by ghosts.

  • The Myth of the Titanic Mummy
    The Titanic in 1912 Among the stories surrounding the sinking of the luxury liner Titanic in 1912 was a tale about an unlucky mummy whose curse was as responsible for that accident as that floating island of ice the tore open the ship's hull. Though the story had been around for years, it spread rapidly in the wake of the popularity of the film Titanic. The tale goes something like this: In the late 1890's a rich, young Englishman visiting the archaeological digs near Luxor purchased the coffin and mummy of The Princess of Amen-Ra. He arranged for it to be shipped back to his home, but was not there to receive it. He disappeared, never to be found. One of his companions on the trip later died, another lost an arm in an accident and a third lost his fortune in a bank failure. The coffin reached England and was purchased by a businessman. Three members of the businessman's household were injured in an auto accident and his house caught on fire. Convinced that the mummy was unlucky, the man donated it to the British Museum. The staff at the museum reported hearing loud banging and crying noises coming from the coffin at night. Things were thrown around the exhibit room without explanation. Finally a watchman died. Then a photographer took a photo of the coffin. When he developed it, the image that appeared was so horrifying that the photographer killed himself. The museum wanted to get rid of the unlucky mummy, but with it's reputation they could not even give it away. Finally, an American archaeologist, who didn't believe in the stories, purchased the mummy and coffin and had it sent back to the states on board the Titanic. The rest was, well, history... Other version of this story has the archaeologist bribing the Titanic crew to have the mummy put into a life boat and later it winds up in New York City. The mummy is sold and shipped again and involved in one or two more shipwrecks before winding up on the bottom of the sea. Is this a true story? Or just a weird tale? Shipping records show no mummy was on board the Titanic (this may be why some versions of the tale say that the archaeologist smuggled it aboard). In no account by any Titanic survivor do they mention sharing a lifeboat with a mummy (which wouldn't have been easy to forget). Nor did any rescuer report taking a mummy on board. The tale probably has its origins with two Englishmen named Douglas Murray and T.W. Stead. Murray and Stead claimed that an acquaintance of theirs bought a mummy in Egypt and had it placed in a drawing room in his home. The next morning every breakable item in the room had been smashed. The next night the mummy was left in another room with the same results.. Great loss of life, but no mummy The pair also visited the British Museum and saw the coffin lid of Priestess Amun (there wasn't ever a mummy, only the lid). They decided that the face depicted on it was a tormented horror. Combining the two stories, that of the breakable items and the scary lid, the two sold the tale to the newspapers. The tale later grew to include the Titanic. The Titanic portion of the story may have been inspired by the loss of the Menkaure sarcophagus in 1838. The sarcophagus, which was being shipped from Egypt to England, was considered to be one of the finest examples of art from the Old Kingdom period. It went to the bottom of the sea when the ship carrying it, The Beatrice, sunk in deep water somewhere near Cartagena. The truth is that the Priestess Amun coffin lid (British Museum item No. 22542) is still sitting quietly in the British Museum's second Egyptian room, where it can be seen today.            Journal Of The Whills
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