Three Selfs
  • Spiritual Self
  • Materal Self
  • Social Self

    Sigmund Freud Divided The Self Into Three Parts
  • Ego - The acting individual concept of the self self image; what do you think of yourself and the world. Active, controlling, perceiving, learning functions of the personality.
  • Id - Desires for social contact, avoid pain, instinctive, desires food, sleep water and sex (Basic Urges That Are Inborn). Pleasure principle Libido sex drive. Id is at war with the Super Ego
  • Super Ego - Conscious, moral aspects of your personality (Ideas & Taboos). Internalized social values, basic values of society, guilt feelings produce anxiety, tension frustration, sub-conscious dreams etc.... Social values in society; religion, peers, parents, teachers, etc....Inner feelings from the bases of our lives, helps to control our lives.  Journal Of The Whills
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