The Married Woman
i want to keep dating
--not so i can find a new relationship
--not for sex
but so i can become a part of more people's emotional baggage
i want to wet myself in the flood of men (and women)
who will answer my ad: "sexy librarian type seeks..."
i want to leave dozens wondering why
after we connected that night
they never heard from me again
i want to tell my life story
to someone who's never heard it
who listens with the attentiveness
only someone hoping to get laid
can give me
i want to complain about my parents
to someone who'll never meet them
i'll tell my dates i'm looking for someone
financially insecure
and underendowed
i'll leave my fingernails unscrubbed
and moustache unplucked
forget contacts or makeup
fail to prop up my breasts
i'll order everything on the side
and eat everything
i'll sing along to the radio
change stations until i find hip hop
then switch to country
then opera
and i'll leave the instant i'm no longer
having fun
The Fourth Sarah
the fourth Sarah is not blonde
but it is long and straight
all the Sarahs have had pale
complexions and compelled
unwanted attention
i didn't want the Sarahs to get
and they overtly rejected
yet unconsciously the Sarahs
pick up admirers the way a dog
picks up ticks in tall grass
the Sarahs have been thin
despite other women's bitter
pronouncements that I was so thin
the Sarahs have made me
elephantine, frumpy
grumpily unfeminine
the sidekick
the admirer without a dick
the Sarahs have never even
been my type--neither big,
black, nor bossy--inexplicable
the Sarahs have all liked me
momentarily needed me
waifs with inner strength
effortless outer beauty
asexual targets of lust
no freedom for me--
obliterated, a fresh Sarah arrives
i pray that i am no other woman's Sarah
Cinderella's stepsisters
Didn't have to clean the toilets
The bad fairy didn't have to kiss
Ass at the King's court
The wicked queen got to eat
Whatever she wanted (not just apples)
Of course they always get defeated
At the end of the story
Or else little girls would grow up yearning
To be ugly
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