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Index to the Tree of Pain Around Us Poems

....From The Tree Of
..................Pain Around Us



it's such a simple
thing, a delete key's
all it takes; well
really more
than that

it takes
a heart willing
to bite itself
in half, daring
to beat the while
and never breathe
a word, not

even bleed or
send up

say the name
it's eating

by bloody stroke


Out of the black of
a long LINE of iceBERG
white and it doesn't make any

no one


the ears are gone, the genie's
out of the
bottle. Milkspilt
wound gone gangrenous; too late
toolate, ohmuchtoolate I'm out of dimes
I've even burned
my one good pair of

Knew One Oncst

There's a certain kind of
hasn't any shame
has plenty of guilt,
that's not the same. Guilt greases
appetite and once he's punished enough
he feels
entitled to a spree. Sackcloth and ashes
serve as party clothes; it'll never tame him
he goes for marrow of the living bone
of innocents

the ripe red hollow ones, the finger
sweetmeats. What is worse
he looks as dour as Job, as 'gentleman' as a
walking cane.

causes pain.


Reetika Vazirani
what mad, unreflective pools
had you gazed into,
what black eyes, eyes like stone
without moonlight playing, what abyss so deep
-what unrepentant angels, weepless, sword in hand
had held you
lost and leaving life, your child
with you
like luggage for the next,
where sadly you will find the inn is full
and there is loss enough for a thousand gashed
and bleeding wrists, that loss is limitless,
that we must
bear it- that you and he are two
more pebbles
on a vast and jagged shore,
beneath those crossed
and stumbling stars.

Cutting Bait

Old man in a wooden
skiff, the middle of the ocean
doesn't see his isolation.
The Kingfisher casts with
black bead eye, looks for prey,
sees miles of rolling blue and other oceans.
The one, dark shape below
bobs on an on.
The Kingfisher cannot hear the way
the old man talks to bait; swimming in a bucket
at his feet.

His fishhook bare,
the old man cannot
part with what he thinks of
as companions.

He does not see the
salt cracks of his lips, does not hear
his voice as it fades and fades
and after it is gone,
his lips still move.
Blinded by the silver sea, the fisherman will never know
that what he calls
are baby sharks until he dips his finger
in the bucket; he dreams
a ring of mermaids circle round
then knows that they are moving in
for blood; the old man doesn't care.

He feels flesh
ripped from bone, but tells himself
they love him so. He's been so long in the boat
there is no other world, but feeding little
of himself
to perfect strangers.

Over And Over

For men whose mother's were whores,
perceived as slattern, whose tits
refused to stay inside the
gapping wrappers, those of you
whose mothers were whores
so that every female thereafter
is draped in some hot
outfit or other,
strutting slutlike down some garden path
she's always leading you to with sway of hips,
the too red mouth from which lies will stream
thick enough
to clog the heart- you see
the yellow, cautionary tape- the space beyond
where she's taking you, but hey, the trip is worth it.
You know her heart's too unruly to be anyone's
one and only,
why not jump the train
and take a ride with her? You know you'll be
the first to leave,
cause after all, she's only
a whore: there's more where
that one came from- where
mama ever was.

No Safe Harbor

In a life spent
picking scabs-
no sooner one space heals
than another takes

It used to be easy
to guess
what's coming next
to nick or gouge, do damage,
bleed a little; once, it was my heart
but I've given that away. There's nothing
left to break, so where'd this bleeding
come from? And why these half-moon nails
an eighth-inch
deep both forearms
stretched in supplicant pose
to eyes that look through wobbliness
of tears- just what has stowed
away in me?

am I
wearing now?


It's hard to talk to the dying
when every word
is strafed with some
decay. Flowers are all
whose cloying calls to mind

the death bed rooms,
the insufficient air.

What shall we do for the dying
for whom all favors are one: Do something.
Let me live another year.

We can't

so we talk of lighter things,
till flesh will go
where words cannot. We touch
a blue-veined hand
like a setting sun

hoping to draw
them back from some
horizon line.

Tongues Of Wood

When her mother disappeared
she looked in mirrors, searching for the other face; her father slipped around her
like a shadow. A twelve year old who floated
up the rafters, leaned away from sudden
unfamiliar hips, the waist that stole the place
of homely gangliness. That old sweet stick of child
was gone, with nothing
yet in common with the new one, save a mass
of flame red hair. Her father was a post of wood,
too dried to offer much. He'd turned wooden,
dried, and grunted all the words she strained to hear
but never had, not once. The earth goes round and round
the sun. The girl danced round and round
the father till she tired. Grown past
her grief.

When he was sixty nine, she, thirty eight,
he died. She went through drawers and boxes.
Searched for pieces of the man
that she had searched for all her life.
At the back of a bottom drawer, secured within an empty tin of snuff
she found one coarse, red curling hair
he must have saved from the tub
they'd shared. Curled,
just like a
questionmark- small,
obscene, he'd kept it locked away.
Kept those days
from sliding one by one right to the
slippery edge of secrets,
and then off.

Contretemps Moi

Maybe a time when all time
rains and suns together,
somewhere, maybe the broken
is whole, yet broken remains,
is conclusively somewhere
and it all
makes sense somehow.

While brokenly whole,
I am writing these lines
from fragments,
Reading them right
and unwriting them fevered and cool,
it is then that I feel I can't-
I know
I can't,
because I can't feel
what I know
without wanting to cleave. It's hard
when you can't

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