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Index to the Tree of Seeing Beauty Poems

....From The Tree Of
...............Seeing Beauty



I don't think there's ever been a picture
of a house in snow
I haven't
That hasn't wrenched
something deep inside.

The blue shadows, black
trunks and bordered drifts
are right-there-definite
and yet there is an
worldliness like dead ones
whispering secrets in the
shadows. Bluegray hintings
of their faces, scary yet beloved.
I have a hovel
in my heart that's under snowdrifts
and inside, a little fire.


is glittery
and fast
and flesh
will cling to things, but things
don't cling to flesh
and flesh won't last.

I paid my penny to the sandman

this is what
was in
the snowglobe that he
showed me: silver-plaqued, shaken motes
of light that might be
snaking consonants,
trapped contractions
after verbs
and in my hand
I held a cup

I caught them
loose inside. I drew the cup up
to my lips- put out my
tongue so you could see the way
they stayed there.

All the rest
of me was fading, only words
like some old
remained above the soil
in my
someday. It was fine
with me. I know
what this obsessiveness
is for; don't ask for much, can't
ask for more.

Swayback Pint

There's nothing so straight
as the spine of a
five year old

at a world that's full of magic
and of monsters. Firm
to slay
whatever need be in the
shadows, alert to all the
fairies and the beasties
with their wonder auras, fauna that can fly
on wings a five year old knows how to squint
and see.
She is chatelaine
for every key to courage, questioning
each rock before she steps


goes out

the heart
flies through the eyes
and she is

Soft, Deep

No ears
can hear the silent yearning
under blanketing of snow.
Where does the singing
of the crocus go, those soft
'good morning
starshine' songs of Easter soon to come,
wrapped up in bulbs too cold to say. Bulbs must
why else unfold in what looks like
struggling; where are they hiding,
tight-packed, winsome under white
hid under
brown. We all have
deep down.

Somewhere Inside

Geisha look
of lovely, lashed and
soft, how like a moth
in fire glow.
liquid eye, the downcast
gaze- amazed am I, how moved
to find subservience so
tender here
against my heart,
that part
of being female, still

the helpmate

where is she when I am feeling
steel? Where does
she sleep?


There is a charm
in toads,
if you know how to look.

Look at the
jeweled back
a minute after rain

when amber, topaz, gold

decorate the armor
over toady
spine. We are
all of us, un-mined beauties

waiting for our moments.

Out Of Black And Gray

on sticks
bleak blooms in underbrush
overhung the frozen pond, wild berry
waits for beak while bird
on a wood sprig

Through slate gray
black and white and chill
the still un-solid water
through pond-
the hope,
the hold,
the will.


Calligraphy of sky, the trees
so like
arteries, branching out like
bronchi from the maples. What a gift

this calm
this soft
mauve dawn. Sky
the color of dreams in half-sleep
waking into
lullabye. I am alive-

that is sufficient.

Sage, Rosemary And Time

Thinkin about how
all of life is just one long, hard
in the belly, innards
wanting more. More love, more food- which is often
love itself
if prepared with thoughtfulness and color- a sprig of
parsley- no not needed,
but the plate needs green
-just like the
extra hug, the holding close, the prayer, the note,
the motes of graceful
in the caring, the doing something a little more
than necessary; one last kiss, one
one breath of blessing
even on deathbeds

pile them high with parsley- with
the exhuberance it took
live the life.

Never Have That Recipe Again

The world
I know.

The sun sits still
and like a coach
it watches, whistle hanging
somewhere from it, and someday
we'll just hear the whistle blow
and then we'll stop-
and wonder why, after millenia, the game's
been called.
But all along and almost constantly
a short, 'Cher-eeet! Cher-eeet!'
pipes out
for each of us, and on Friday
it called for Richard Harris.

How could
a man who laughed as though
he'd eaten
everybody's pie
just die
like that? How could
MacArthur Park
been cut at all, except that Harris
took it
caressed and squeezed each note till you thought
that you were being
held by him-- and how could
not saved its finest flame
from fading out--he is
not dead. I think a lady's arm came up, perhaps
from a lake of fire
or whatever it is she's swallowed
in, and took him down
to a place where bars of music go on an on
and never stop

where there is wind to lift that
thinning, wizard's hair, and wind
to carry the kite tails of his laughter
that always floated so easily
so high- you had to look
to see them.

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