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Early Spring Issue
Beginning Our 4th Year Online

Vol.4, Issue 1
Date of Issue, April 1, 2005

Three full years, we've looked for,
looked into a house of blue~ and what is blue,
but the edge of dreams outside of sleep, which
doesn't have a key~ a place
of gathering, of smoke and flair~
where words are air.


Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Anita Dahlman
Peggy Dobreer
Al Ferber
Michael Franklin
Chrysty Higdon
Marie Lecrivain
Hal Lorin
Stephen Mead
Wayne Noone
Doug Richardson
Michael Rivet

What is it about this picture
that makes it so disquieting?
And what could it be in this one, does just the
opposite? I believe the answer to that lies in the title of
their originating website. "Fiat Vera"--"let there be truth".
Come look at some intimate views of Pittsburgh
as recorded in the snapshots of~
Albert Song
~click above to see, well, nothing but truth, in
scenes with a tuned-in point of view~ that of
their photographer, who is a Pittsburgh
resident artist.


April's Editorial
Why We Don't Put Words
In Eachother's Mouths

by ruffledpanties

Return to:
After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

(Editor's Website)


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For all previous issues.

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