We think our lives as linear. What's gone before is gone~ but it's resting like a nesting egg inside today, inside the laugh, behind the stair, in strands of hair~ where words are air. ______________ Suzanne Aubin * Nathan A. Baker * Christine Ann Clatworthy * Karen Corcoran Dabkowski * Peggy Dobreer * Al Ferber * Kenneth P. Gurney * Jan Oskar Hansen * Bryon D. Howell * Harold Lorin * Joseph Lisowski * Joann Liu * Corey Mesler * Francis Masat * Maurice Oliver * ______________________
It it with pure delight I share with you the may she take you down her own special rabbit hole, where you will see wonders even as you hear the solemn toll sound of a bell somewhere~ that is your flown childhood. Drift happily. _________________ August's Editorial The Importance Of Listening
For The Beginning Strands
by ruffledpanties