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Summer Issue
The Present Holds The Past

Vol.6, Issue 3
Date of Issue, August 1, 2007

We think our lives as linear. What's gone before is gone~
but it's resting like a nesting egg inside today,
inside the laugh, behind the stair, in strands of hair~
where words are air.

Suzanne Aubin
Nathan A. Baker
Christine Ann Clatworthy
Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Peggy Dobreer
Al Ferber
Kenneth P. Gurney
Jan Oskar Hansen
Bryon D. Howell
Harold Lorin
Joseph Lisowski
Joann Liu
Corey Mesler
Francis Masat
Maurice Oliver

It it with pure delight I share with you the
incomparable gifts of master artist and conjurer~

Maggie Taylor

may she take you down her own special rabbit hole,
where you will see wonders even as you hear the solemn
toll sound of a bell somewhere~ that is your flown
childhood. Drift happily.


August's Editorial
The Importance Of Listening

For The Beginning Strands

by ruffledpanties

Return to:
After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

(Editor's Website)


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