The Poetry Of.
Richard Brooks
Pulling It All Together
There must be a way of blending
the unblendable, take
words for instance, I was at this moment
struck by the melancholy movement of Algonquin
which has nothing at all to do with fleur de lis
and yet, I want their flooding one into the other like
a hybrid thing, a daisy chain of fluid vowels
and consonants that in some perfect
time and place,
it just makes sense:
Benchley, bending over his tomato bisque
his tie, a field of threatened fleur de lis
dangled over soup
at the Algonquin. You were there
of course, decked out in
black-strapped heels of hell-bent Dorothy Parker
in a cumulative, blent moment
showing Einstein knew that time bends into curving
synchonicity, when all hearts hear the music all at once
and there is nothing odd about we are, we were
will be- when even a lily like you
could grow in such Algonquin clod: the balding,
Benchley brusque of me.
Spanish Moss
Lazy stretch of dusty roads that
baked in unmitigated heat, the August
that I traveled with the Christian Players
through a ribbon of the south. I was a prop man
not an actor, not a lothario
like Danny Devereaux, who followed Cassie Baker
like the hound that he was, and I think she may have
petted him somewhere on a languid Louisiana
weekend we were free to see the
local color, but so buried in the boonies that the color of her
is what he saw I'll bet; that
son of a bitch, I hate him
to this day. Old dogs die hard.
I like the phrase: 'nice turn of ankle'
-ladylike, and quaint. It conjures petticoats and parasols
afternoons with sailboats on a bluewhite lake
but most of what I see is what we ain't; it makes me
homesick for a time I never knew but in my heart, I am
Seurat. I understand a thirst known only in it's feint
-how things gone blurry or half seen
are what we see with most fidelity: a clip of moon
through cloud, a woman's ankle
for the woman not allowed.
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