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.......... "Pelted with a tactile fur of feeling, words grew softest hair"
.............The Poetry Of
................ Don Hakman

....... nearing winters end
....... I stooped by a stairstep stream
....... surrounded by glistening walls.
....... I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
........ Suspended by twig over tiny falls
....... was a delicate, spiral icicle,
....... droplets flowed around and down.
....... It was tenuous, fragile and small.
....... It was the only one around.
....... I don't know how it formed
....... or if you have seen one too.
....... Its gone now since it has warmed;
....... It was a bit like me and you.
....... We'll call you
....... My sister had the self administered morphine.
....... They also gave her federal marijuana.
....... They were bending over backwards
....... to ease her suffering.
....... She had her entire digestive tract removed
....... bit
....... by
....... bit.
....... Beginning with the rectum.
....... After the colostomy
....... then the intestines
....... and finally the stomach.
....... Government radiation experiments in the 50's
....... dispensed rare agony in the 80's.
....... Her daughter asked her to hold the baby.
....... "I'll be right back"
....... Carol didn't have the strength to hold him
....... he rolled right off the bed.
....... She was trapped
....... but she wasn't dead.
....... Carol was fed ATP intravenously
....... She still had to vomit
....... or at least she tried to.
....... The Washington Post
....... wouldn't touch the story.
....... "Don't call us, we'll call you."
....... Waste
....... Injured pride
....... from self deceit.
....... Ideas not tried.
....... Decay.
....... Missed
....... opportunities
....... from abandoned friends
....... all float away.
....... Ambition’s dead end,
....... pretend fulfillment
....... and all that could have been;
....... intentions are bent
....... beyond repair-
....... there's even an original sin.
....... All the 'if onlies',
....... sucked in a hole
....... torn from time
....... lying
....... at the bottom
....... of my soul.
....... Fossilized good
....... grows brittle.
....... Speed that broke hearts,
....... a chance blown apart
....... that could have served
....... success head on
....... but instead, I swerved.
....... Its all down there in a heap,
....... the junk at the bottom
....... of my soul.
....... Main Page

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