Erin Monahan <xmp> <body> </xmp>

................................................................................................ Photo by Holly Northrop:"Polaroid:#257"

The Poetry Of...
Erin Monahan.....................................................................


Willow Creek Utah is where:
no willows weep
no creek creeps
and the sky is alone.

Wet is a long-gone lover
and no nahuana hum-hovers
above the miragewater dance
of desert magic.

There is no tractor ping.
No blades to boulders sing.
No couples toil the rocky soil
with grinding hips or slippery lips
here among the silken tongues
of dusty fullmoon fire.

No, there are just rows
of snakeskin and stone,
and they remain silent.

Vernus Abortivus

She slipped into bed naked,
nestled under a birdsong blanket,
and propped herself on a pillow
stitched from easterly breezes
and spider silk.

Calla lilies lulled her and she slept
where music ripens on the vine
and sweetens the lips of spring,
the way grape juice
stains a child's smile.

Butterfly wings painted arias
inside her eyelids and hung them
askew in chittering squirrel holes,
but it was the art of suicide.

This exhibit of buds was born too early -
miscarried into a flurry of February,
and all that was left on the drifted canvas
was a strawberry birthmark.


The night sky snakes by,
scratching its underbelly
against the leaf litter of
fallen clouds in the tree tops.

Halos hover above foggy porch lamps -
false prophets that anoint midnight
with greasy puddles of holy light.

But God has bedded down
with a lonely housewife
and faith is lost
in the whispered wind.

All that is left is magic
and I hold it,
bloody and screaming
to my craven breast.

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