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The Poetry Of..
Al Ferber............................................................

Sitting Shiva

I'm getting splinters
in my ass
sitting shiva on a
hard wood bench
no food no servers
no companions
sharing my ever
changing shivarous
moods I sit and sweat
and shiver in my shiva
waiting for the pizza
to be delivered

Don't Tailgate

That's right
keep off my ass
I've taken enough
shit in this life
without an idiot
like you adding to it
crowd me
and I'll kill you

Happy To Be Glad

Na na na na, na na na na
hey hey hey go-od bye!
I'm off into the wilderness
once again
into the forest of nightmares
and wicked dreams
to climb up rocky crags
hang by my thumbs
for dear life
to shit my pants
to stain my underwear
for when I get
hit by a bus
and the rescue workers
depants me in the street
in front of throngs
of gaping onlookers
looking for skid marks
and me, of course,
not wanting to disappoint

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