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The Poetry Of.
Al Ferber.....................................

Pecker Wood

looked at me steely eyed
black eyed
an ex-ray machine
seeing right through
parts of me
I didn't even know
were there
stripped me naked
in front of
at the bus stop
like God ripping
the fig leave
off Adam
in the garden

Javelin Catcher

I tried out for
javelin catcher
on the Olympic
baseball team
wanted to play
take one through
the skull
or the heart
told me I was
trying for the wrong
team and said
they didn't think
they had that
on the javelin
still thought maybe
I could get
one of the throwers
to let me
try it once

Too Nice

been said to me
more than once
during this
long life
that I'm too nice
started out with
girls breaking
up with me
cause I was
too nice
they were looking
for someone
to give them
a hard time
so eventually
albeit reluctantly
I changed my game
and gave them
what they were
looking for
and damned
if they didn't
start to break
down my door
then later I was told
I was too thin skinned
let everything
hurt & bother me
was told I needed
to develop
a thicker hide
so eventually
albeit reluctantly
after I'd had
my fill
of playing
the doormat routine
I let my true
feeling shine
on through
and now I tell all
I can be your best
friend or your
worst nightmare
cause you see
I can be the
son of a bitch
ever to step foot
on this earth

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