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The Poetry Of.
Dan Gallik............................................................

Love Is Purely Intelligent

Washed in the sun at the cottage,
she quoted Goethe, then went for
a swim, came back to the dock to
say, I am ready for real Van Gogh.

Marko tanned more by not saying
a word. Finally he got up from
the chaise, said, had enough sun
this day, am taking a shower, will

take a walk to the marina, will
talk to you later about our heroes.
She decided in those minutes to
scream, I am tired of the way your

mind works! Marko proceeded. All
this scene had happened before.
But this time she was meaning it.
She wiped off, went up to their

cottage, dressed, packed her bags,
called TWA, went to the Toronto
airport, hooked up with a flight
to Berlin. M got back to tan more.

Rigatoni Is For Poor People

So what, Joe was getting
tired of his wife, and her
family, and bills. I am
tired of you, and all women.

Jackie said not a word. I
am going to hit you with
a ball bat. She still did
not say a thing. Finally

she went to the kitchen and
brought back a fillet knive,
smiled and stuck it in his
left eye. Took a chance and

left it there. Joe smiled,
damn, he actually laughed, and
then, took the knife out of
his eye and stuck it in his

right socket. Jackie lauged,
told him she would inform
the kids about this experience.
She took a walk, went to see

her boyfriend down the block.
He told her to call the cops.
She did. They arrested her.
She was convicted. Boyfriend

found another wife. Same damn
story unfolded. Except this
time the police did not get
involved. Just the newspapers.

Intelligent People
Have Smart Probs

Wasn't something else on at ten?
Must have been summer, the wind
had shut down this night, and all
the heat had gone south. He was

asking questions again, and his
wife wasn't listening. Again. I
wanted to see something on tv that
meant something. He was repeating

words again. Signs of old age, and
a college education. Then she asked
right out of the red that was their
debt, we have enough funds to buy

a house out of this city? At once
he goes, no. You spent too much
of it on brandy. And I spent much
of it on buying books to prove I

was really, really smart. Sarcasm
was entrenched. Within each board
of the old house near campus. Kids
hadn't come. Neither did his penis.

The last thing she said before she
picked up a gun and shot him below
his waist was, I got a brain too.
You got nothing now but syllables.

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