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The Poetry Of...
Kenneth P. Gurney.........................


Orion. Lines drawn in pencil.

Bullheads snap flies
off the surface.

Boots, wet inside, print
the sky, stick-legs standing.

Roots, the willow by the shore,
knot, tangle--your hair difficult
to brush.

Swallows dart right angles.

Rembrandt light.

You lean into me
studying for your degree
in Warmth.

I crush laurel berries
upon your crown,
inhale their bitter perfume.

The river bank is not married
to the water, but how is there one
without the other?

I am at rest with you. Us.

After your commencement,

The Hunter

Orion searches the woods
with his big dog
a short ways away.

In the distance
the drumming circle
expands its influence.

You are late, lost maybe,
down by the summer heated
swimming hole. We fear.

As I listen, I realize
I�ve not determined which rhythms
mean joy, which mean war.

Near the river shoal,
the hot girls wear
only the sun.

Orion expects to find you there,
eye popping unconscious--thirteen,
overwhelmed by surging manhood.

As I listen deeper, remove the drums
from the forest sounds,
I hear joyous feet dancing green circles.

You are red baseball cap, freckles,
a fist full of wildflowers for your mother,
a short distance from the woodshed.

Orion�s big dog leads you home
long after dusk, long after we phoned
the homes of all your friends.

At the door, you hide your eyes,
not afraid of a whupping for rule breaking,
but not ready to tell us you kissed a girl.


Sweet gold
array of finches
invest the purple
haired thistles.

This woodland
house is worth
every mile
it is from town.

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