The Poetry Of...

J. D. Heskin.........................................................................
He walked with an odd, slightly pigeon-toed motion.
His hair was brown, his eyes were blue.
He spoke in short declarative sentences.
In the year of 1979, he died, they say.
But, until the last man living who has seen
a John Wayne movie, and remembers him
walking with that odd, slightly pigeon-toed motion,
he'll be around.
I buy my love with dollars,
pesos, francs and yen;
I pay for love, I'll pay again.
It is a business soon forgotten--
of that I will concede--
as I search within my pockets
for the money that I need.
A frantic, wistful type of love
that's bought, but not to keep,
an hour here, an hour there,
all night is much too steep.
A few sly looks, a laugh or two,
and love the way two lovers do,
all in one quick rendezvous.
I buy my love--now and then--
I pay for love, I'll pay again.
Let the few do what the few do,
and rest of us do what we're taught;
may we all be dead before we are buried
and leave with more than we brought.
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