.........The Poetry Of.
Keir Delaney
Face To Face
Ever look in a mirror and get
scared away by the face you find
and maybe, scrub till raw
then blink and think who is this
small-eyed, porcine someone looks to be sixty
if he's a day. Where'd all the
hair go-
and that nose, that nose
was on my father's face when last I looked
and I didn't like its sharpness then and I'll be damned
if it isn't
stuck on me now; out to peck the holy hell
outta half the world.
here He comes.
Plum Perfect
The Sexual Desperation Of The Fifties
When I studied Latin long ago
but close enough
to remember the puzzling
choice of tenses, genders
what I thought about masculine/feminine nouns
how they'd copulate
given half the chance, I recall the wonder
of pluperfect tense; how thrilling a thing could
be more perfect than perfect, so hidden
more past than past
and what I thought of then, as now, is how the shiny
purple of plum
is just the richest color. Sexual.
How well that tense
the way I felt about those plums, like I would
fuck them if I could
if they were bigger
-warmed; if maybe I called one
Kathy, plucked from a bowl of plums she
wouldn't be missed, then dependable
lock on a bathroom door---o yes, I recall my Latin
and plum
perfect while most desperately dreaming of fruit
back in the Eisenhower days: Te
amo prunum.
Tombstone Territory
At the end of the road
is an overgrown gate with a Star of David
wrought in iron and beyond the shrubs and
jagger bushes, sterno cans and discarded
lay the long dead Jews, a row or two
of stones upon their markers- some
have come
though not by
any moon I've seen
if they were stealing in to pray
and not by any sun. Only
pimply faces
use this dead end road
to hoist their girlfriends on their pricks
on daddy's
corderoy carseats. Sex and death
and prayer: a better poem never found me
-this is tombstone, cock's
God's own
in these eyes when I look down there
and imagine the dead
buried vertical, not lengthwise
as a sixteen year old's rod to jump up
first at judgement call. I envy them
their stance and really, what doesn't
remind me
of twat these days; my mind is rotted
with ricocheted irreverence-
of a
middle age and horrifying old age still to come;
I need to find some quim. Tunnel
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