<xmp> <body> </xmp> ............
.......The Poetry Of.
....... Keir Delaney

........................ DISTANT

.................... Relatives are wicked strange.
.................... The kind of people you'd cross
.................... a street- a county to avoid, yet there they are. Lined up
.................... like eggs of Silly Putty taking impressions
.................... of our lives.
.................... They press on us,
.................... we press on them to find that sketchy
.................... contact
.................... produces something
.................... like the images from a comic strip: each strip, a year
.................... split into frames of graduation parties
.................... weddings
.................... funerals
.................... someone drying out
.................... or getting his feet wet after
.................... divorce- plots of
.................... stories to tell our children of the persons
.................... none of us were.
.................... Let Freedom Ring

.................... I listen to
.................... leading items in the news
.................... of every
.................... conceivable horror
.................... this vast, developed
.................... country of ours can divy
.................... up- like children being abducted
.................... beaten
.................... starved
.................... molested, drowned
.................... in every state of the
.................... union, frequently
.................... by parents. Man's inhumanity
.................... to man runs rampant, sea to shining sea
.................... and then I think about
.................... technology, the cellphone generation and how the skyscrapers
.................... of Orwellian gray and silver
.................... rise like stalag
.................... tites
.................... from the cavern floors of corporate greed and Enron's
.................... fuck the masses, duck the consequences, hide in offshore
.................... safe accounts
.................... -above all
.................... be
.................... unable to recall if asked to testify, let
.................... lawyers handle legal, image
.................... is everything- and look here
.................... there are seagulls
.................... flying in blue, blue skies of chamber of commerce
.................... calendar photos
.................... of prototype cities
.................... everywhere
.................... where in the cracks of sidewalks
.................... too minute for wide-angle lens, runs the
.................... blood of the beaten along with ants
.................... who crawl the Colonel Sanders buckets
.................... McNugget
.................... boxes, and everywhere
.................... let freedom ring- the
.................... TacoBell of freedom where there's drive through for your SUV
.................... if you send a boy along to fight the
.................... heathen
.................... envious camel pricks
.................... who hate us in Iraq or in
.................... Afghanistan- it really
.................... doesn't matter- the pricks
.................... pitched in to murder
.................... Christ
.................... who loves this country, afterall we're
.................... under
.................... God.
.................... No Prospects

.................... Covers ride my head, my eyes
.................... protected
.................... from the cold soup feel of morning
.................... before blood
.................... is pumping
.................... waking up my brain to yet
.................... another Ground Hog day, the story
.................... of my life it seems
.................... another
.................... six more weeks
.................... of winter.

.................... Main Page

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