The Importance
Of Listening For The Beginning Strands
How many of you looked at the graphic above as it was shaping
up on your computer screen, and thought: "Madonna and Child"--
before the picture fully resolved into a big blue ear?
That means
you're attuned to your most liquid self with its flowing
viscosities and creative leaps, and that is what you must trust
whenever you hear those faint, seductive strains.
Too many of us make such a pot of nonsense out of what is
thought of as the "creative spark", and wail and bemoan the fact
that we're just not up to the challenge, the sheer daunting nature
of the thing, and too often, it's here that we give up; stupidly--and
with the most amazing misinformation and misunderstanding in
the world, because it's happening all the time: those strands,
those happy filaments of impulse.
With everything around you, the mind is sinking teeth into
this and that flight of fancy: first impressions. First
is what it's all about, and if we weren't so danged nervous about it,
we'd learn to hear them, then allow that initial word- color-
metaphor- to do its own impromptu, important work, and therein
lies the germ of the poem. The very thing we cast aside as silly-
that is the child in all its sparkle, trying to get out.
Trust isn't the only thing. You have to trap that image,
those words rather quickly, and either type or jot them
I've said this before and I'll say it again: carry a small notepad
with you. Geeky? Yes, but think of it as an 'arm' or a 'leg',
as something absolutely essential- and use it. The flashes
are fleeting, so you must be ready to grab hold-- there won't always be a cocktail napkin or matchbook cover
handy when you need it.
Over the years I've found that there is a way to discipline
one's moments of greatest clarity.
I'm willing to bet that if you think about it, there are certain
places or predictable times, when you most apt to be inspired.
First thing in the morning, just as the cobwebs are lifting, is one
of mine. I am most vulnerable then; most mentally pliant. The day
has not intruded yet- and the relaxation of sleep has left me wide
open to wherever my imagination takes it upon itself to roam.
My out of doors smoke breaks during the workday is another.
You'll know your own times-- it's as though the mind takes
a huge breath-- and feels the small distance from phones
and duties, and it plays a bit- so nature helps. Fresh
air and birds and cloud formations often do it, and to tell you
the truth, the funniest place I find inspiration is when I'm in the
bathroom-- this is absolutely true. I think that is due, in part,
to the way the body knows after years and years of that
business to simply relax, and along with that relaxation
may flap the unexpected flags of creativity out of nowhere, sneaking up and saying 'Boo!'
Trust in the weirdness of thought, and of place.
Whatever small spell affords some privacy and mental space,
climb into it and allow it to makes its odd connections and begin to speak to you.
The mind is like a mustang, and will go charging off on
its own, so be there to ride it- only you can- only you
know when to listen closest and when to throw
the lasso, saddle up and ride.
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