The Poetry Of...
Harold Lorin.......................................................................
We came, Habiru, with the Shepherd Kings,
To Egypt, conquering Pharoah's land
Encounteering the notion of One God,
As Joseph pondered on the semiotic dreams
Of phantasmic non-Pharaonic 'Pharoah'.
Long after, we who were oppressors,
Were long oppressed and then perhaps,
Expelled by angry Ra-mose
Or , as in the Testament, did we escape?
(What were then the 'gifts' of the Egyptians?)
And Why did He harden Pharaoh's heart?
Why plagued death to the children of Osiris
Whom love had taken up from dead?
Why Canaan? Where, even then, we were not wanted.
Why Joshua? Why trumpets?
Why did He not think one peaceful morning.
'Time for the these people to leave Egypt
I will make a place they will be welcome.'
It would have been so kind,
It would have been as a Caring God worth worshipping.
Who would later send Jesus to atone for His earlier errors.
Days you dream of happen by surprise
Known only in reprise and recollection.
We are spread across the bay.
Matt on his Laser is down by the narrows,
Lucy is swimming in the cove
We are on the gaff rigged Beagle in the channel.
We watch our no longer children;
As the sun sinking pinks the sail.
It is long since it has been as
We had thought it was.
She does not come often.
He is once more going far away.
We will be again on empty waters.
There will be unused boats. Unanswered questions.
Days you desire happening by surprise.
Listen! So silent.
The pinking sky settles in the pond.
Still. Still. So Still.
Only the goldfinch
Fidgets at the feeder.
Hush! Little bird.
What can you be thinking?
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