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The Poetry Of.
Francis Masat.......................................................


.....-Key West, FL USA

Tropical night presses wet
black against the windows.
Cool night breezes quicken,
forming stronger currents
for hot hours yet to come.
Predawn begins to glow
faint - flat gray, cold steel.
Purples splay, diffused. Subtly,
the sky begins to twist slowly
through striated coral pinks.
Deep greens and indigo blues
weave into undefinable shades.
Dawn's watercolor tints seep
the sky's canvas, turning night
into hazy lavender shadows.
Unnamable mutating hues create
a luminosity transcending sight.
Hypnotized by the immensity,
I am unable to find expressions
for this privilege of witnessing
another dawn's kaleidoscope.

"Beneath the Leaves"

Across the street,
a glint of blue and white
commands my sight.
My need to know
is stronger than
my fear of knowing.

Beneath the leaves,
a skeleton protrudes -
bent, dissembled.
Parts are missing,
though its heritage
and age are evident.

How awfully swift
it must have been
in pursuit of life.
What mass of flesh,
sinew and heart
must it have borne?

What hopes
and dreams of life
must it have carried?
I stare and wonder -
Who once rode
this old blue bike?


flash from a child's eye
bounce off flying heels
mock grand intent
ease a moment's rest
paint gold spots on a leaf
flare the sunset waters
dance across my lover's face

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