........The Poetry Of.
Nabi Dorsey
on less than nothing
energy, I taste on the rim
of this old cup,
the drunks who've pressed their lips
and bit themselves sucking out
the last dregs,
still suck
but I have no need of their friendship
here, where it's cold
and the floor has got swept clean
of faces,
I lift the cup
I hold it tightly and tip
to the moonlight,
sipping outside
the hard edge,
letting the dark room
become the grape
broken by my tongue,
tipping through the night
letting loose of all
the bruises that define darkness,
I get drunk
on less than nothing...
the perfect code
recognize perfect
as light is
what we have
never seen before
so you are what
I have never
seen before
the same phenomenon
a rose falling
from the sky
but not falling.
My baby is
the face of
perfect love.
A drunk slowly
less intoxicated
a sober youth
melting into
first drunken night
both you
give me now
both miracles.
A white swan emerges
from a clear green
lake in the morning
startling lovers because
both are an image
from the same
creative source....
the World is not asleep
measured like water
every little surface above
below lends
to some balled up shout a long
balled up knot of twine that sums up my footsteps
and smoky breath
and feverish climbs
into one solid lump of little
( )
discard it
let it fall
gravity is boring to everyone
we count on our hands toes
and knees
just to get a sign
to find a message that the world is unmeasurable
as it lifts the sky
that the great Woman
is alive and doesn't give a damn
about our
little splintered carvings of her.
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