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The Poetry Of.
Nathan A. Baker...........................

Bamboo Apples

At twilight amid leaf rustle and owl call
Cardinals on red-feathered wing arrive to roost.
Bamboo, from shoots planted in early spring
Growth some decades ago, is sanctuary

For fall songbirds migrating farther south
The cool air of early November hums with tunes
Just before night settles as first one, then another
Flits from limb to limb chirping on the wing

The boughs of dense bamboo fill, as feathered
Apples of bright red fade into the silence
Of night, quieting as wind gently rustles
Bamboo leaf against bamboo leaf its chimes

Reverently calling attention to Creation's design
Prompting an offering of praise and thanksgiving.

Worn Memories

Through vertical slats of green I stare
As sunlight kisses warmly chiming
Leaves reflecting gold-tipped through
Stained glass of autumn. Whispers

In light refracted, stir up within the room
A fragrance akin to honeysuckle and
Apple blossom's sweetness; in a spring
Long past and in a time now well covered

By passing sediment, fragments
Left to remember, polished pieces
Worn thin from calloused hands; rubbed
Smooth like rosary beads of maple wood.

Sustaining memories of love, polished
To glisten like pearls of purest gold

Sunshine Mixes Well With The Blues

Standing outside beneath a sky
So blue it chases mine away
Blue bird singing in sycamore tree
I hear what he's saying to me

Crow's cawing at two Barred owls
Incessant cries; saxophone wails
My heart is still beating.
Thumping to a blue country sound

I'm coming down from remembering
Sunshine mixes well with the blues

It's been a year, twelve long months,
Struggling to eat my gruel with lumps.
Cold is the window on the right side
Of the room, like some impending doom,

And your song playing on the radio,
Like the wind through Carolina trees,
Is whispering sweet mysteries to me
Pinecones on a straw covered patio

I'm coming down from remembering
Sunshine mixes well with the blues

I can almost taste love's sweet memory
The effervescent fizz of carbonated images
Moisture for my weariness. A mental caress
Your hand gently reaching out to me

I'm coming down from remembering
Sunshine mixes well with the blues

It won't be long now. I'll be coming home
When we're back together we'll sing a new song
Until then I'm holding on to every fragment of you
It won't be long now. It won't be long.

I'm coming down from remembering
Sunshine mixes well with the blues

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