......The Poetry Of.
Wayne Noone
The Whitening Of Jennifer Lopez
You remember her, hip-hop pop queen J-Lo
diva of BET with the great
can and paramour of Puff Daddy
P Diddley? Well, now she prefers
"Jennifer" or just "Jen," cause
she's linked up with white bread
drunk Ben Affleck, Matt Damon's prettier
dumber half, and as I write this
she's sitting in a tub of Clorox
straightening her hair and planning ways
to anorexersize mucho inches off
that delicious derrière.
Her next film will cast this would be
debutante with protoaryian Ralph Fiennes,
and by then we imagine she'll
be wearing pillbox hats ala Jackie O
and crossing her legs
demurely at the ankles.
Oh where is the little Hispanic girl from Brooklyn
we grew to love?
And speaking of love, I'm completely
queer on David Guest, Liza's
better half. I could stare
at him all day.
I think he's an alien.
Gray haired old bird
caught up in a layoff then
started with Allied Security,
at the front desk
in the building where I work.
Stacombed his hair in a little wave
in front like we all
used to do.
I'd pick him up coffee when
he couldn't get away,
two creams, two sugars.
He liked to eat
at the Lantern, always knew
the Specials.
He still used the expression
"nicotine fit" when he wanted
a cigarette and kept smoking
even after his heart surgery.
Used to tell
me each morning it
was going to be
a great day: "Wayne,
today's going to be a great day!"
I just saw you yesterday.
I never knew your last
name. You didn't show up
for work this morning, and
when you didn't
come in they sent
the police to your apartment
where you lived alone.
They say everyone dies
alone, but I think some
more than others.
I hope yours
wasn't so much so.
The NPR reporter, gesturing to the robe
she left on the chair, the last thing
she wore before she dressed for work
that day at the Pentagon,
says to the professor from Howard,
teaches English, married twenty-five years,
it was their anniversary,
you can't let it stay there forever,
and I think why not,
why the fuck not?
Saturday night, lying on the bed,
the wind banging the old storm windows
sounds like someone knocking,
you giggle start to say
Come in, but
I put my hand across your mouth.
Don't say that, don't.
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