The Poetry Of...
Peggy Dobreer................................................
I sing to my belly,
my unborn, casting
lanterns on the water.
I seek the silence of
shadows, calling on
angels and courage.
I, alone,
author a field of surrender,
and lie down willing
in deference to your name.
I prepare a pallet before
you, sprinkle rose hips
on the portal. I wander the
night into eternal mornings.
Born late and winsome,
without regret. I watch
the river of your birth
ford into foaming falls.
I, alone,
author a field of surrender
and lie down willing
in deference to your name.
The Carriage House
...And whatever I do
will become forever what I have done.
- Wistawa Szymborska
Doubling up slatted
steps to knotty pine,
frame to floor, under
one persistent plum
in a county of once
grand estates and
private orchards.
Nectar, oozing and
tart, covered us. All
at once orbs fell from
above the second story,
plummeted faster than
could be collected.
Soured grasses
receded below.
For those few harvest
weeks plums occupied
every thought. Manic to
the task of plucking, washing,
pectin adding, filling, pouring,
sealing jars. Aroma rich with
simmering plums coming
to luscious fruition.
I recall the wide-open
canopy of that tree, great
birthing parachute, emerald
shimmer like chenille, shawl
draped over the strong square
shoulders of the carriage
house I once called home.
Water Color # 6 - thunder
answers sailing
adrift in silence
thunder of peace
thunder of words emerging
from inside states of being
the way things go
the way they might have
a new paragraph rendered
sighting a completion
a pause before reentry
a sentry at the portal
Cerberus unleashed
fashioned for take-off
set for release
the thunder of release
the streaks of fire
stratus pyre glow of sunset
here a woman is reborn
the thunder of rebirth
looking north west she
prepares the hoop
her staff of light unquenchable
like the ocean, like Waimea
like tears flow toward the moon
like mother's potions for maladies
broths of love and water
balms of Gilead
salves of respite
Come rock me in your pheromones
the musk of new horizons
the tango of the wide open miraculous
along the concrete sidewalks of despair
the thunder of despair
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