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The Poetry Of.
Karen Corcoran Dabkowski

Letting Go

This autumn,
leaves will fall
like blades
that cut my life
in crosshatch. Fall brings
leavings more of life than trees,
and blood will be the color of the sky
and every seasoning
of autumn this year.
Falling from me,
eyes as well,
not tears but rust regrets; not just my own,
but filtered painfully son to mother.
Liquid leavings
that began so long ago
have started
up again- and no matter how many times
we wave goodbye, there's always
one time more.


there's an ocean liner
headed for the bottom, and a car
filled with children
will meet a truck
head on, and a groom will kiss the bride
he'll later hurl from a hotel balcony
on their fifth year anniversary
and I'm amazed we live with the germs of such disaster
so obligingly, without flinching or giving up.
Acting in our ignorance
like the seed caught in the rotten bark of a tree
marked by the forestry department
to be cut down, will nevertheless
take root. Uncurl
on tenderest
green shoot
a bloom of such heart achingly
exultant hue, it makes me want to weep
at what open faced, hangers-on
our hopes are.


keeps the
plumpin, knee
and ankle joints
pounded out rhythm foggy
bottom sound of
Night Train. Hips just twitch
in no-no-no, but yes-yes-yes
down runways rolled behind
the eyes and shined up nice and lit
in back of a smile
that spreads till Tuesday and the drum-to-beat-all
solo of a Louie Prima Sing, Sing, Sing will chase me
right up
like a reved-up hep
bangin my heels
on the auto carpet,
twitchin my shoulders, lost in Big Band
smoky night club
girl, Give me a pack
of Pall Mall Golds and a Pabst Blue
with a whiskey chaser, I was born a clumsy
lead foot, but got heart
to beat
all bands.

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