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The Poetry Of.
Karen Corcoran

Roll Call

Reports of 3
1 injured
severity unknown
at this
names withheld
pending notification
of families
..my god my god my god my god
..am I now to hope it's somebody
else's child
is this what it's come to
....how will I live
let me... ask you
for 12 months
....will I be
when this
is done-.. someone
..I've never
met someone
....who stares
counts cracks-..imagines
she hears
a voice
say.. "Mom, Mom"...wonders is it true
hear it?
... do I pray
no...I lose
myself in pornography......hoping
flesh and flesh and flesh will chase death
...don't do it
takes the edge of me and pats
...it I need thunder now I am no
...of Avila my
ecstasy is
meaner... so there... why not
hurl your fury square at me you Sky
.......drop a tear
I am your vessel imperfect
and I hurt
all do
help us We
are dying

Eating Keys

Watching my grandson, seven months of
chubby flesh and wonder, propped on my lap
at the desk
in front of computer,
he went from wriggle to still,
and when I looked, he'd plucked the key
from my desk drawer
and was mouthing it.

I took it back and felt him lunge
for it again, and thought
how often in our lives, do we
reach for keys so important we would
eat them
if we could: keys to love
or happiness, success
or riches, or even something as simple as
a good night's sleep, and how often do those appetites
begin in the laps of those we love--the keys we
reach for, keys to something forbidden, maybe
the key itself, the thing
we'd gulp right down
before they looked.

In Something

Condios was
a liar; we all knew it.
Said she had a vision
praying her rosary
while staring at the crucifix dangled
from the end. She said it was a miracle, that instead
of Jesus, torn and tortured,
there were outstretched palms
and in each palm,
a darker spot
not blood, but little blue

what she
called them.
With each decade
the flower would change
until it became a star that burned
and went out.
as pitch, then
her palms began to itch
and inside were pressed blue petals
that smelled of


...............that's when her
brother slapped her hard
and called her
liar. But when he looked
to the river,
fish were leaping
up; they glowed like
fish. He walked home a little
straighter, club
and all.

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