The Poetry Of.
Kenneth Widmerpool
The Gates
Much like Orpheus
She came into my silences
To wake me from the dead
To start once more a dream
That I had hoped to end
Of a sea I no longer thought to sail.
But now do not wish to wake
To hear the human voices.
I have cycled all the beatings of the heart
And heard the chorus of the warning chants
I have sung the songs and said the poems
To myself
On winter days on half deserted streets
In my dream she will come again and stay
In my dream she will be Calypso
And we will together linger always
In the caverns of the sea.
Would you lie to me a little longer
Could you say again you sing our songs
And that blue sky is still our sky
As the full moon’s still our moon
And you think of me everyday
Be gentle with me as my image fades
Be gentle as our tide subsides
Without You
One day in the water the Mermaid said
How will I live without you
Knowing the season will end
Knowing cold days would come
Or I , I said, without you near.
We were swimming toward our beach
There were redwings above her
Water lilies near
And the yellow irises rose above the bank
Now I think since she is far and silent
That she has found a way.
I am glad for her
Why should she unhappy?
As for myself
I have not yet found my way
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