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{added 2/6/2000}
The End of the World

The World died forever and a day ago
And in the Chaotic Grand Conjunction
I stood-Silent
Waiting, perhaps, for a new begining-a fresh start.
This never was to come.
Yet, still I waited, hopeful
Content in my longing
Nothing Happended
Nothing Came
Nothing Went
Nothing lived-But Me
My Contentment quickly faded as I walked through
feilds of rotting flesh-Bones Crunching beneath my feet--I was barefoot.
The sweet air that only existed while my hope existed, ran out.
It too was to be replaced.
Smoke filled my nostrils and smells of death and sex overtook me.
I was
A cancerous eveloution
I am
A beast
And moreover distured at what I had become.
The Carrion consumed my body'My carnelian eyes
screamed at Oblivion
The fires dies out.
Again I waited-Silents
Wanting to lash out violently
Wanting someone to blame-But ther was noone
Just me
and I was
The fires retuend-I was devoured by flame and
I died Forever and a day ago
And in thea blissful ratpure of death
The Universer Stood- Silent

Somewhere a man is being forgivien for his sins.
Some mystic force told him that everything would be all right.
An angel of Mercy came to him and calmed his
worried heart, kissed his tears away and cast a silent song into the wind.
Somewhere, the very next nite,
the same man walks the street with a whore on his arm.
The snort some coke before lieing to the guy at the 711-or course he's 21.
But it's all ok...Because he is forgiven and he will be forgiven again.

I heard you wisphering in my sleep last nite.
The things you said rested on my soundless mind and made way to my
quivering lips.
I awoke with a start-my eyes opening and reliving everything like a slow motion movie.
Suddenly your touch was on me again.
I couldn't say yes, but strangely I didn't say no.
Your voice was strong in my mind.
Your music pulled me in again.
Your promises soft on my body, our lust deep in my heart.
All hope lost, you're gone and I'm alone.
I heard you thought I was asleep.
You spoke only the truth-
I shouldn't have fallen
You shouldn't have fallen
We are falling apart.

Potent words off forked tounges probing the depths of truth.
Eyes soar over the heads of millions of lies,
Sweetspots dot the crowd as the
clolors of friendship fade from the smoke screen of memory.
Walking through a colorless world where
confussionroams the strert and
spiders weave tangled webs of lies and deciet.
The butterfly of my soul is trapped perhaps never to be free again.
Fighting, hopelessly, against all odds it breaks
free--leaving the spiders to self-destruct.

onto Emmanuel...