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Doors like a vault so heavy and thick
As if they struggle to forever entrap something
Is this the gate way to heaven?
A mammoth chamber that swallows you
But leaves the echo of your voice
Reverberating forever from the walls as a rememberance
Is this what religion is made of?
Stone walls and stained glass windows?
A place in which faith is built into the barriers encompassing you
Standing in this "house of God"
And yet I have never felt so alone
Dim shadows
Black as night cast at every angle
Is this where my second life will place me?
Voices so loud it's enough to make you scream insanity
I feel the statues' hands reach for me
Steal me fold me over
Tear me up
The cold marble that sucks you in
And shadows entangle my heart
I couldn't get religion before it got me

2000,Katrina Rose
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