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He wanted me to consume him
The way I had been consumed by my Angel
He wanted to own me in every way
Hoping to somehow fill the void in his soul
That he couldn't fill
He wanted to believe
That we could create a love
That did not exist
But his touch made me shudder
And his eyes were so empty
I saw all his pain and felt it
With every move he made
I had no strength to stand
But he wanted me to carry him

I wanted to be wanted
And believed that being loved
Would fill my void that could not be filled
I wanted to create
A person that did not exist
And needed to believe that he made me whole
I believed our scars could heal each other
And that I wouldn't need to stand

But you can't make a person
I couldn't hold him up
And I couldn't let him hold me down

2000,Katrina Rose