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there's a faint light that grows
don't go, light
stay with me
the cold strangles my breath
numbing my mind
there is little time
to explain
thereis little time
to find
redemption for the mistakes i made
the water is thick with salt
the mysterious shadows keep their distance
these are the same shadows that will
bite at my decaying body
to see if i'm edible
when my body comes to rest
in the sandy bottom
hopefully they'll wait till then
my body becomes one with the watery abyss
the light is far gone
the images are rejected
by my site
as black-outs become ordinary
and no one remembers the body
at the bottom
another victim of drowning

there's a faint light, faint light
that grows
stay with me don't go
i'm strangled by the cold
i have no breath left
it numbs my mind
i've got to give up this time
can't fight anymore
gonna give up give up
the mysterious shadows keep their distance
where is my redemption, redemption
pleace God please God save me
from the shadows that come
and no one remembers the body
at the bottome
another victim of drowning..
of drowning

2000,Katrina Rose
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