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{added 4/21/2000}

I come around
And the floor slips
Far into shoulders,
Turn away in corners.

Come along
Needle the pass.
Make it unescapable.

Are you thinking
About my sleep?
How long into you,
How close, how deep?

Bungle around,
Leave sheets undone.
It's dawn, baby,
It's dawn.
-Emmanuel Caballero

{added 4/21/2000}

Everybody wants a piece of me,
Everybody wants in.
Every door is crowbarred,
Every sound binned.

All the girls miles away,
All the girls right here.
All the boy across the ocean,
All the boys within.

Everybody loves the painter,
Eerybody loves the friend,
Everybody loves the poet,
Everybody hates the pain.

All the silence that is deafening,
All the shadows cast without light.
All the love unloved,
All of the world terribly unright.

Everybody wants a piece of me,
Everybody claims a right.
Everybody, every piece of me
Is not mine tonight.
-Emmanuel Caballero

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