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..there are so many ideas that are silenced by ignorance.. speak and let your voice be heard.. write in with your own thoughts on anything and everything...

Opinions- Belief or Fact?

{added 4/3/2000}
Intelligent people think with an open mind. If you can't be open minded towards ideas, then that means that you are scared of being convinced of something you don't presently believe. Can people be that ignorant or is it that they are unsure of themselves. Not confident enough of you're own beliefs? Is that it? Topics that are serious ones that you strongly believe in should make you want to learn about why people think the opposite. Everyone is wrong about something. No one is perfect.
Tell me. What's the point in having a discussion if you tell the person that they are wrong? Something that they truly have thought about and really believe to be the truth, who is to say that you are right? Unless it is a proven fact. 2 + 2=4. If i were to argue that the answer isn't 4, it's 6. Then you can be like, "no you're an idiot, its 4".
I hate to break it to some of you, but opinions are opinions. An opinion is only fact to those people who believe in it.
Opinion (e-pyn'yen) n. 1. A belief held often without positive knowledge or proof.

2. A judgement or estimation.

Opinionated (e-pyn'ye-na'tid) adj. 1. Holding stubbornly to one's own opinions.

Now see, people can be opinionated and still be respectful. Some just don't know how. What is a world without respect for your fellow man? Or at the very least your friends. Who wants to be friends with someone who thinks you're truly stupid for what you believe in? Certainly not everyone is going to agree all the time, but they can talk about it in an orderly and calm manner. You see, I am a very opinionated person. I have learned a lot in my life thus far and thought of many ideas. The biggest insult anyone could ever give me would be to tell me that I don't know what I am talking about and I am stupid for thinking it. Yeah I might not be the most intelligent person in the world, but no one has the right to tell me I am wrong about something, especially if I find truth in it. Is what you believe in, a fact? To you it might be. But to everyone else, that's for them to decide. Not you.
By Aaron Dunson
March 8, 2000

What is Death?

{added 4/3/2000}

What is death? Is it the end of the line? Is that all once the dead end road sign shows? I, personally, doubt it. I don't find comfort in thinking that that's my final destination. I would like to believe that life, rather than being one line is a circle. That we continue traveling on this circle until, I don't know when. This isn't something that I have had worked out. I know, though, that death is merely a word for the stopping of the heart, cease to breathe. Purely physical. The way I look at people is in 4 separate things. Mind, Soul, Heart, Body. Body being one of the least important. A body is worm food once you die. Its not a comforting thought. And the fact that I have watched so many of my friends and loved ones dying in front of me throughout my life, doesn't really make me want to accept that that is all we have. I would like to believe that we continue living. Somehow maybe in a separate universe. Maybe in another form or body. That's not to say that I am a firm believer in reincarnation. In fact I don't know how you would exactly classify my beliefs. All I know, is that when my heart stops beating and when I stop breathing, its not the end. My body is gone, not that big of a loss, but I'll keep going. And hopefully, if I do come back to this world in some other form, I will be able to retain at least some of the knowledge that I have acquired.

by Katrina Rose

Why stress?

{added 4/3/2000}

I have never thought that I know everything, and this is one thing that I definitely don't understand. Why do people, especially in school, work so hard that they are pulling their hair out? True, you can go out and probably get that good paying desk job. That's not for me. While others pull their hair out, I'll laugh and joke. I'll be one to enjoy things around me. I'm not saying ditch responsibility. I'm saying, most things aren't worth killing yourself over. Especially when it comes to school. If you were to die tomorrow, what would your life say about you? What if you never made it to that cushy job behind the desk? What if you never get a chance to make all that money? The most important knowledge won't be found in the books they assign at the beginning of the year. Live life. Don't read through it. Don't be so bogged down with history and math you'll never use and scientific facts that you miss the history being made today. Once in awhile, just stop and breathe and enjoy. You could be dead tomorrow. The petty things that you worry about and stress over, all of those petty arguments you may have with a loved one could mean nothing tomorrow. Make sure that if you did die within the hour you wouldn't have things to regret. You wouldn't have missed the world around you because you were too busy trying to make money. I mean., how important is money? Green paper and silver coins. Unfortunately, society has made it a necessity, but it certainly won't buy you life and happiness or useful knowledge. So, don't stress. Remind yourself to smile, laugh and always, just breathe.

by Katrina Rose

2000 All works copyrighted by the author
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